Nothing much happened at school except that me and turtle totally vandalized the chipboard behind our class. We punched the board quite a lot but I went on to the extreme... gave it the "Acid Punch" move. A movement consist of several punches thrown at a quick and strong pace. Hurts quite a lot and nearly bleed if I did it a little bit more with stronger force but it doesn't hurt as much as I am feeling rite now... the pain in my hands will go away but the many battles I've been through and seen hurts even more.... This is the way of my life... that is to suffer...
.... Don't no wat's wrong today. It seems today is one of my bad luck day. It has return. U no why? Coz Hamster me and Lalah already got the bad luck aura of mine... Blame it on me. Yes. Really. Some more my mind is not capable of many things rite now... totally... annihilated and... don't no how to describe it... Wanted to do one stupid and idiotic thing that is to break my PSP into two or pieces in front of the guys. Nothing much happen today. Went to Queensway, following Lalah to by a new pair of shoe coz he spoiled his previous shoe durin P.E in a game of Floorball. Supposed to buy something today but WAT THE HELL. MUST WAIT NEXT MONTH then can. By the time I may have lost interest in it already. Also spotted this nice Kappa jacket. Wanted to buy also coz can't buy the other item but still the same fucking reply...... All I can say is...WTH. Thats one of my bad luck today. Got a few others too but I don't wanna say it for now. Guess thats it for now...
They finally back home. Safely. I didn't expect them to buy me anything but guess my expectation was wrong. Quite a lot of stuff they bought during their way back to Singapore. My mum bought me two new pairs of T-shirts! One is short sleeve while the other is long sleeve. Quite nice. I also got a stuff doll. U no the one that I always use to hang on my bag as keychain? Yes thats the one. So soft and kinda cuddly. Happens to be blue in color. If I have my camera I'll post some pics to show. Alrite... time to blog bout wat happen today.
Haish... planing to blog yesterday but was interrupted by connection problem again!! It seems to me that my PC finding fault with me. Kidding.. Where in the world can a PC find fault with anybody? Correct? Yesterday was quite a nice day. In class nothing much happens. I was helping the boys to do their chin-up training and bcoz of that... I didn't make it to go to the canteen to see her. I pity those guys coz they need to practice every recess. But at least they only need to try their best and they can resume they recess after that. Hehehe.. I guess I was too engross in helping them that I forgot about my time... Oh well... Then after school I went for my prayers as usual. Heard a good news from Isamudin. I seriously can't be his luck and extremely overjoyed after hearing it. Well I guess its his luckiest week. We headed to Creative after that, accompanying Turtle to buy his new MP3. It took us bout 2 hours just walking around... considering which to buy and choosing the colour. Along the way I fall in love with a headphone which is Aurvana DJ but the price was shocking. Planing to ask my parents once they return from Malaysia. Oh b.t.w bcoz of this... I am all alone at home for 3 days... Friday to Sunday... Feel soo lonely sia...
Yesterday is one of my greatest moments during school and mostly at home. During class I was able to absorb quite a lot. I was able to understand quite a few of maths now too! Yea! A great improvement. The bad thing is that I didn't get to talk to her yesterday... Wanted to greet her during recess but I got water in my mouth and a hand holding a cup... the other one was inside my pocket so... I wasn't able to wave at her for th very least... I feel soo bad sia... Oh well... I'll try to talk to her today then. Hopefully it will work. Hehehehe... Kinda miss her though... B.T.W she wasn't feeling too well too today. Got me worried there but I saw her a little while a she seems kinda okay, soo I don't need to worry soo much. Hope she'll recover soon.
I didn't go to school today. I was feeling rather unwell. Fever and flu. Having fever was bad but flu... Now that really did the damage. But it wasn't that bad. I wasn't able to do much stuff at home and bcoz of that I'm bored to nearly death. Kidding. All I could do was rest and rest and rest. Haish... I really wish I could attend school but guess my body just can't take it. During my road to recovering, I played my DJ Max with hopes of defeating the pretty Goddess and I did manage to defeat her with a lot of difficulties. But my hard work paid off. Here are the pictures I took using a program which had been installed in my PSP by myself during gameplay.
Now for my next post....
Ok. Its been quite a while since I last blog. Same reason. Connection problem. Oh well... I'm going to begin with wat happened few days back.
Its been a long time since I last blog huh? Let see... Like 3-4 days ago? Yup... Sry sry... Got a little problem with my connection with the server thats why. U don't no how much I have to be patient with my adapter... shifting here... shifting there... Haish... Lots of work for a little advantage... B.T.W I got a few good news!! To PSP fans... A new custom firmware has came not long time ago. Ver. 3.51 M33. Its from a different creator but still trustable. I've updated myine the moment I got my PSP back. I wonder what happened to the previous creator... His nick is Dark Alex or DA for short. Heard some say he got family problems... maybe its true. But hey... every great person needs a rest rite? Even Superman takes a break once in a while. Who would hav thought that in 4 days lots of things can happen. First up... I managed to discover sumting rather disturbing... I'm sensitive to the word "STUPIDIFY". It was during class time and Yiji was talkin bout Harry Porter's new movie with the usual group. As u all no during class time I can be rather... lame to the very extreme. He happened to be talkin bout a spell that was casted during the movie and he tries to create his own which is "stupidify". He said it to me, facig me some more plus he added the actions in! To people's shock... I reacted... I made myself look and sound stupid for a few sec and of course, the others laughed. They never expect that one coming. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!
Current state of mind is still the same.... Earlier this morning I was late for school. Damn late lor bcoz of my mum that wakes me up "slightly" later than before by.... half an hour!! Woke up at 6.14AM. Can still slack and walk slowly sia me. My mum was panicking like wat while I was busy taking my time. Before I could even leave my house I was "greeted" again by mum due to two caterpillar on her plant but now they are my "pets"... weird rite? For some unknown reasons... this caterpillars can move fast! Just observed it just now. Curious wat. One of them going to change to a cocoon soon. I wanna watch it changes to that stage with my own eyes for the 2nd time. The beauty of nature that Gaia has to offer... Geologically speaking... no wait... I mean... Wat do u call someone who studies nature and insects? Oh nvr mind... But due to my lateness... I was able come to school with her at the same time! Shocking sia when I spotted her alighting the bus. She was wearing her school U btw... but thats ok... she still looks pretty. In class, unexpectedly... everyone wore their own ethnic costumes except for a few that borrowed from others. During recess... I observed that not many ppl wore costumes plus it makes the group looks like eating on a wedding invitation bcoz of us wearing this traditional coztumes. Hehehehehe..... When lalah came and sat down in front of me, he was facing me(obviously). She was waving at lalah but I terase sia... Had a little laugh over myself coz I replied her wave when it wasn't meant for me.... Hehehe... The games that was set up during assembly was fun. My group personally feel that the best game station is the Chaptey bcoz that was we all feel unity, happy, team spirited and lively. BTW the ppl in my group was CK, Kel and Yiji. Then during remedial... my first luck gone sia!! my damn phone rang and I forgot to silent it. Then kena confiscated for one whole remedial... luckily sia. Phew... Me, lalah, Hamster and Isamudin played chapteh with the floorball while the rest played Pickle ball in the hall. Kena smack in the butt by Ambrose. I gave chase but since my shoes were slippery, I let him go. Oh btw I mangaed to see her in an ethnic costume too! but that was for awhile. Wanted to say she looks ok wearing that but got stop due to some... "obstacles"...hehehehe
Yosh!! Feel kinda depress rite now not bcoz of my Listening compre later but at least I had fun just now. Went out with lalah to Rochor to buy some DnT parts for his course work... Guess wat? The shop was closed. He was totally pissed off sia at that time. Didn't expect that one coming. Too bad huh? Then we headed towards Sim Lim Square to find shops that sells this parts but no luck. None of the shops there sells it coz its a place meant for computer parts only!! Hehehe... Both me and lalah had a great laugh on our own stupidity. We cross over to Sim Lim Tower next. Went round and round the place but most of the shops were close. Then our stupidity came back... WE GOT TRICKED BY THE ESCALATORS!!! There we go again... Laughing our heads off.
Went to NDP today and it seems quite nice. Its fun seeing the master parade and them commanding the parade. Everything was nice and went perfectly except for the part where they say "The arrival of our 1st Parliment member.... SIMULATED". Damn funny sia. No wonder Chee Kian said that that part seems funny. Plus the person that replace them was two guys holding a signboard saying "1st PM". The same thing goes for the part where the Prime Minister' arrival. We all got this bag that looks neat. The best part about that bag is its capability to be customized to something new. Mine was originally orange colour but now is multi colour. Quite nice. The colours are blue, green, red and orange mix together. That shows that all of us are united and together.
Today I didn't get scolded by Mr Tang for not doing my work. But from what I've noticed... He never scold people for not doing their work. Hehehehehe... Everything went as per normal during lesson except for Maths coz I got fed up with my teach'... Nearly threw my stupid calculator at her... but with some self restrain... I manage not to... Lucky sia... Then no remedial for today and so on and so forth. Quite tired today too. Met with Sweets again sia today. U don't know how much joy it brings to me by just seeing her but I had to leave the moment the group reach the market to eat. Coz I couldn't bear to hurt her again if I accidentally get angry again. I don't want that to happy. Guess its better this way huh? Like but just let it be like that forever... If I do that... when will I be happy? Well... The most important thing is to make her happy.... That should be more than enough for me.... Yea... Hehehehehehe....
Today I feel like... crap sia.. Miss my chance again plus I made a bad impression of myself again to her... Damn it man... Now she finds me boring person. Which is true and I'm sure she feels that in the very beginning... Haish... Don't know la... Can't stop thinking bout it... I wish I can change myself... be more cheerful... sociable... and those other crap that got to do with it... Oh nvr mind...
Your Birthdate: February 23 |
![]() You're not good at any one thing, and that's the problem. You're good at so much - you never know what to do. Change is in your blood, and you don't stick to much for long. You are destined for a life of travel and fun. Your strength: Your likeability Your weakness: You never feel satisfied Your power color: Bright yellow Your power symbol: Asterisk Your power month: May |
Today was a very lllloooooooonnnnnnnnggggggggg day for me. Gotten tired sia after school. Nothing much happened during class today. The guys the didn't stir up trouble so I manage to gain quite a lot. I really enjoyed Chemistry remedial today sia. Able to do most of the revision question with not much referring to the notes and other worksheets. That means I'm doing quite well n class. YES!! Feel happy sia suddenly. Don't know how to explain it but I know I'm happy. Hehehehehe. Managed so see her smile today! That really boosted my morale and happy meter by a lot. Hehehehe.
Your Birthdate: February 23
Wah damn tired sia today. Went to Boon Lay Sec coz there was an open house there and I was invited by a friend of mine that is hamster to come along. The ppl going were Hamster, his brother, Lalah n me. We didn't even spend single cent there coz we obtain free coupons from Ham's mum. I still remember the chocolate marshmallow with ichigo (strawberry that is in Japanese). Like we say... Heaven... the taste was heaven. Then after that we went to Jurong Point. Walking around aimlessly until 2 plus. Waiting for Ham's mum to arrive. Lucky for me I found this 1G SD memory card nicely laying on the floor of the school's canteen. Natural reaction. Pickup, look around if someone might be lookin for it but found non. So I brought it home.
Today something drastic had just happen to me n the rest... Currently down like... I don't know how to describe... shit perhaps? I didn't notice it till it happen... I thought everything was going as per normal than I saw this. My whole heart n mind kept on worrying non-stop until the final decision was made... She has decided to stay away from us... I... I... I... I can't take this.... wish this had never happen... I was it was just a dream or some sort... But sadly... I have to face reality... It happened and its true... Why did I made that same mistake again!! Baka Nazree... BBBBBAAAAAAAAKKKKKKAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! Why Naz? Why? Kuso... Why am I crying... I promised not to... maybe its alrite for now... Why....
Damn tired now... Its 12.31 now and thats can be considered late sia... Finally complete and finish my blog layout... Took me 2 hours++ just to figure all out (eg. The links to some ppl, my profile and other stuff that usually appear at the front page...). I've still yet to finish my English homework which is two... One is on composition while the other is Speech writing... Got remedial after school some more... *haish* Tiring life... Oh yea. Hamster Kelvin Sweets and me went to IMM today to accompany me buy some clothes. I've been waiting since last Sunday sia but was canceled bcoz of something... remember? Felt soo happy after being able to buy it but the sad thing is almost all of the three of them seems to lost their mood... Mostly Sweets... She seems tired... Pity her sia... Oh well... For the very least I managed to see her smile again. Makes my worries depletes by a bit. Then they all need to rush home early so Kel and Sweets alighted two bus stops earlier then usual... which is at the Clementi Interchange. Hmm... Wonder when is it will I be able to go out again with just her only? (Dream on dude... It may happen) Its getting late already... Guess I'll stop here for now... Chao!!
*stretch* wah damn tired sia today. Went to watch Transformers today with the usual group. The show was great! Don't wish to give spoilers for now. Strangely.... Now I know that Megatron was Optimus Prime's brother... One brother is good while the other one is evil... Nice plus both of them are the leaders for their own team. Can't wait for Transformers 2 to come out though I already know quite a lot of spoilers for the sequel. Starscream and Scorponok(I think this is how he is spell out) survive the attack plus the Allsparks can regenerate itself back but it takes time... Thats all I can say... No further spoilers.
Current games that I'm looking forward to get my hands on or yet to be release that seems fun and enjoyable:
Alrite... Time to resume for yesterday's event which is on 2 July 2007... Me Kel n Sweets met at the JE Entertainment Center Arcade. Kel was so engross with Initial D ver 4 and I must say I'm impressed with this new ver. Every map seems to be made for drift style from what I've observed... Planning to start playin it soon... See when I have the courage to...
Your True Birth Month Is January |
![]() Loyal Social Logical Easily jealous Loves children Rather reserved Highly attentive Likes to criticize Needs close friends Ambitious and serious Smart, neat and organized Hardworking and productive Loves to teach and be taught Quiet unless excited or tensed Sensitive and has deep thoughts Knows how to make others happy Searches for the greatest romance Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds Romantic but has difficulties expressing love Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses What's Your True Birth Month? |
What You Really Think Of Your Friends |
![]() Gabriel is your soulmate. You truly love Syed Hamzah. You consider Chuan Ru your true friend. You know that Chee Kian is always thinking of you. You'll remember Hidayat for the rest of your life. You secretly think Kelvin is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times. You secretly think that Saifullah is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker. You secretly think that Wei Ju is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Wei Ju changes lovers faster than underwear. You secretly think Me is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Me has a hidden internet romance. What Do You Think of Your Friends? |
Your Personality Is |
![]() You are a passionate, caring, and unique person. You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals. You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily. Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings. You seek out other empathetic people to befriend. Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships. In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily. At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career. With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone. As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style. On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours. The Three Question Personality Test |
You Are Very Happy |
![]() Your life is totally together, and you enjoy every day. And you don't need a quiz to tell you that! You know how to find pleasure in the little things... And even when life isn't so great, you have a good sense of perspective. |
Your Love Quote |
![]() Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. What Love Quote Suits You? |
Your Hair Should Be Blue |
![]() Wild, brilliant, and out of control. You're a risk taker with an eye to the future. |
I was initially wanted to blog yesterday n today but ended up blogging today only. Bcoz of the poor connection... everything lags... I couldn't even check my email! Very problematic indeed. *haish* tomorrow school resumes again... There's one bright side of going to school everyday for me. Hehehe... Not just to study and gain knowledge... Well... U should know. *phew* The weather's getting warmer eac day don't u think? Alrite alrite... I'll get to the topic at hand... Sheesh...