Sunday, August 26, 2007

My patience level is running thin... I can't lie to myself nor to anyone else for very long... I wonder until when can I keep up with this... cheerful and "nothing has ever happen to me recently in life" kind of face... *sigh*... Some more I'm losing concentration quite drastically so I think I'll fail most of my prelim paper starting tomorrow coz I'm sure of it since after a lot of tries of studying... oh well...

Yesterday, Kaile came to my house to downgrade and customise his PSP. Done it perfectly but the problem was his memory card was too small... 1 Gig only... so got a slight problem for bigger games. Then after that the whole study plan was void and null so I went out with him instead. Nothing much happen after...

Today I feel like a father of two sons. No no no... I didn't impregnate anyone. Trust my. Its just that two of my younger cousins suddenly got along well with me. But I feel sorry for them coz the won't be seeing me like that for long... At least they got a taste how it feels like to see me in my "inordinary" self (I don't think such word exist...) Well thats it for now... GOMENASAI.... everyone...

posted at 10:32 PM

Friday, August 24, 2007

*Yawn*... Wah... Damn tired sia today. When studying with Chee Kian at the library than headed to JEC and IMM to go shopping for chibi gunpla. He really bought two of the models. One is a Duel Gundam Assault Shroud and Freedom Gundam. Also went to the arcade to play a little while. Damn it... I selected the wrong controller for Time Crisis 3 and the Drum mania was semi spoil!! What luck... Well to good thing is that... hehehehe... this maybe slightly hentai but I took the opportunity to observe few girls playing the DDR and a Para Para dance game. Got to say they are skilled and err... pretty and sleek. XP (I'm in Heaven!!)

After having my eye's washed, we headed back home and trust me... it was very tiring. Oh I forgot to mention that the "Butt ownership" technique has been observe by officials like me and Chee Kian in IMM. There's only one thing I can say to them... WELCOME TO THE CLUB!! WOHOO!!! o(^-^)o

The prelims are finally here and will end in like... 2 more weeks. I guess this time around I'm doing pretty badly so I don't really need to look at my marks later on after the prelim. Can just burn it if I want to... Losing concentration sia each time... need some motivation to concentrate but what? Hmm... well guess thats it for now. Jyane!!

posted at 10:32 PM

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hehehehe... I don't know why but this few days I'm kinda weird. Can say I'm not myself too coz I'm happy to the very extreme (happened on Monday n today), I'm becoming more "gay-ish" with my group (I really like the faces of everyone when they see me gaying around with them. Wahahahahaha!!!) Hmm... let's see... nothing much happen on Sunday. Just went out with Lalah to IMM to look for presents for my upcoming sister's birthday. This is the first time I'm giving her a present. Can't believe it. For 16 years I've never gave her a single present, not to mention anyone else. Even I never had given any of friends presents before. Call myself a friend... Hehehe

I feel like I'm forgetting something and it seems to be important. Wonder what it is that I had forgotten. Oh well. Let see if I can remember what it is. If not, than never mind. Hehehehe... Alrite!!! My rouze cards are nearly complete! Just need to paste the back part of the cards and I'm done. Wohoo!! Joker rules!!

Monday, 20 August 2007
Went to study with the usual people at a void deck's study area. Did absorb quite a lot. Played a few matches of duel master. Oh wait... Its not matches, its dueling to be exact. The last duel was the nicest of all and very impressive way to display risk-taking and strategy to win. I lost and Lalah won during the duel. I was winning but he turn the table around (not literally).

Today, 21 August 2007
Me, Kelvin and Lalah fall asleep during assembly just now but I woke up after some time. It was during Miss Sujeetha's talk that made me sleep. So does Kelvin but for Lalah's case is different coz he slept a few moments after arriving at the gallery. Proceed to studying in the library. School's library. Managed to partially complete my Maths corrections. I didn't know it was that easy. Hehehe... Then I had personal tutoring by Mdm Tan for a while for Chemistry. Guess thats all I did today. Getting late. Gotta eat. Jyane!! Hehehehehehe!!!!!

posted at 9:35 PM

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Got some time to spare before going to sleep so gets I'll blog for awhile. Half way done with my Kamen Rider Blade's Rouze cards. Just need to paste the back of the cards and I'm done. Tiring sia. Got a total of 68 cards plus 136 times to pasting to do. Front and back. But it turns out quite nice. After pasting the back I'll need to cut the edges so it doesn't look like its been overlap by a piece of paper.

Random Question!!: If u were to be a Kamen Rider in Blade series, which Kamen Rider would u wanna be and why?

Hmm... Should be Kamen Rider Blade for me. He was the first two kamen rider to appear in the series and he was inexperience at the start plus he's not too good with girls either. Same as me!! Plus he can henshin (transform) to Jack form (Fusion Jack) and King form too!! (Evolution King) He's not that strong also, so thats another reason why I chose him. I'd rather not choose someone who is strong but doesn't seem to match me. Oh b.t.w I wish to become a Joker too like Hajime and Kenzaki but which colour I'm not too sure yet. Why I'd rather become a Joker than a Kamen Rider u may ask? Well... If I become a Joker I can Henshin to any Undead and Category Ace card that I want. I also don't need to see much humans. Joker doesn't have much feeling except to fight and continue on to fight until only one Undead is left standing. I like battles especially the ones like this. Its going to be one hell of a gruesome battle. *Henshin*

Talk bout Kamen Rider Blade, I've just finish watching the whole series too! From start till the finale. Damn nice and the ending was touching. Nearly made me cry. I didn't expect that Kenzaki would do such a thing as sacrificing his humanity to save his friend. Just like my primary school's motto; "Others before self". I need to be strong. I need to get stronger than I am now. In terms of both physical and mental.

posted at 2:31 AM

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Just reached home. Really tired. I didn't sleep the whole day. Just couldn't believe my luck at all. Why does it have to happen... As they say... somethings do come to an end...

Went to the library today together with Lalah and Suriani. The rest was already at the library except for... Sweets..... that was waiting for the three of us at the bustop. I feel different when I saw her. I wanted to talk but I just suddenly forgot what to say to her. When we reach the 4th floor I was surprised to see Yixin and Liying together with Yat and Syed. Didn't expect them to be there at all. I managed to complete one whole paper 1 of my Mother Tongue paper. When on to have my breakfast at KFC. (coz I didn't eat from yesterday night till that time. So can be considered as breakfast) Then we all went home. We took the bus 78 as usual and Sweets took the bus 143 if I'm not wrong. I thought she was taking the same bus as us but guess I'm wrong. I've also started to flame back temporary. Well thats all for now. Jyane...

What am I going to do now? I wonder...

posted at 8:23 PM

Been a long time since I last blog. All bcoz of the same old thing. Connection problem. Very very... how should I say it... saddening? Guess thats the word to use for now. I can't remember much what happen on the first three days of the week and on the weekends of the previous week. If I knew and remember it, I should have joint it down or something. Coz this is one method I would use to release myself. Let's get back to the topic at hand.

Monday, 13 August 2007
I receive my mother tongue O' level results and was not up to my expectations AT ALL!! I wanted and work for an A grade but instead I got a B3 grade for overall results and a D (distinction) for paper 3 which is Listening compre. and Oral. Feel damn disappointed in myself. I'm going to retake no matter what. But the next question is... whether I can cope with it or not. Got other 4 more subjects to fully concentrate on too. Oh well. Like my mum said, "This is for ur own future. I'm not stopping your decision. If you decide on retaking than you have my approval and don't you worry bout the payment. Just concentrate on your studies. Thats all I am asking from you."
I'm going to make them proud of me and I am their only hope. I'm going to push myself to the very limit coz I got nothing much to bother bout such as... nvr mind.

Thursday, 16 August 2007
Had to attend my O' level English Oral examination. I wasn't nervous at the beginning but when it was Kent's turn to face the invigilator... I was cracking a bit. I lost a bit of my concentration, thinking too much I guess. But I had to put it behind me for awhile. Soon it was Nabeel's turn and up next would be me. Syed and me had the same number which is number 6 but he was the one that finishes first. I was worried. Thought that I took too much time in the picture conversation part. The worst part was during the conversation section. One of the invigilator giggled at me when she sees me having my stammer. How could an invigilator be behaving in such a manner? Oh well. At least I'm done with my Oral exam. But I cock up a lot at the conversation section. So the chances of me getting a 30+ marks or a D grade is currently low. By the way have anyone of u seen a black pineapple before? Just kidding coz I've receive this... earth shattering sms from someone the day before. It really shock the life and heaven out of me...

Oh yea... on the day before was also one of my greatest bad luck day. First, it took place at home. I was sitting down on my chair comfortably and properly but yet I still fall down for no apparent reasons. Next was my connection. i can't surf nor chat with anyone at all for quite sum time. Up next was when I was in the "Pasar Malam" or direct translation "Night market". I just arrive there and already one car accident involving 3 vehicles occurred. Then along the way I had an upset stomach. Quite bad but not as bad as last time during NDP eve. The next problem is finding the toilet which was troublesome. Believe me the worst is when I had entered. *Yucks*

Friday, 17 August 2007
Nothing much happen. Bad luck day strikes again! It happen after my Friday prayers. I knee the basin in a toilet. Hurt myself pretty bad and u could say it as retribution. But for what I don't know. When I was walking outside the toilet I err... tripped over a rock. Pathetic. In the bus when heading back to school, I hit a few seats b4 I was able to sit down. In school... I forgot to zip my pants after I exited the school canteen toilet. No wonder Mr Koh, Mr Heng and a few Kent Ridgeans were looking at me in a weird manner but never inform me. Haish... I finally notice my zip in 15-24 mins time. THATS LONG!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Crap... In library I accidentally show my anger to Chee Kian. His kinda pissed by the tone off his. I still can't believe it that I ditch the guys off totally. Ignoring them for some time and only help them a bit in the library. I can't believe myself. I'm starting to change bit by bit. Oh well.

Oh by the way, the school's library air condition was leaking. My initial thinking was that the rain had entered the library I accidentally believe it can rain indoors too. Hehehe... Had to laugh at myself in silence. See!! Isn't this what they call bad luck?! Not to mention... lets go on shall we? Enough with the bad luck event now. Lets move on. The library was bout to close so we transfer to the canteen instead to play PSP. Total ownership I must say. Bomberman n DJ Max mania.. Of coz its owning time. While I was talking to Lalah and slacking, (bringing my mind away from any current affairs under the moon) she came over and single me out. I was blur and reluctant to move of coz. But I know what was going to happen if I follow her so I tried to find excuses not too. As you know... when it comes to persuasions... I may lose but this time I gave in. I could just walk away but I rather not coz I still care. I still have a heart unlike my old self. I'm not suppose to say bout my old self my. Don't wanna scare ppl away later. Just kidding. Hehehe..

We had a little chat and it was... how should I say it... Heart breaking? Mind bugging? Remembrance? For all I know... the whole time I was scared. Afraid to listen to her words. Afraid of the questions and afraid to even think of an answer. Tears were forming but had to fight it. Luckily I've lost the skill to cry... Who am I kidding with? All I wanted to do was to walk away... I wasn't prepared for this. To me... it had ultimately ended. I'm always afraid of any outcome.
Thats one other reason why I'm afraid. I...I...I... I had to say I was fine and not to worry bout me even though I knew I am not. I think.
Well thats it for now... Jyane and chao....

Devil May Cry... Heaven's gate has close shut upon me... Has it really ended? I wonder...

posted at 6:58 AM

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sheesh... Connection problem again. Everytime like this but for the very least I still can chat with ppl even though I can't serve the net. In a few days time we all going to do our prelim papers + this monday is our English oral if I am not wrong. Nothing to worry much about I guess. Looks like everyone has gear up except me. Still taking my time to do things. Hehehehe... I no I no... I'm suppose to be studying too but hey, I am wat. Peace.

Went to study at the library yesterday with Sweets, Hamster, Turtle and Kelvin. I didn't study much. Got distracted sometimes and I stupidly didn't bring my foolscap paper. Hehehe... Must be the stupidify spell again. Wonder who cast it on me this time around. After that went on to have dinner with the rest. Hamster was the first to go off, meting his mum to go somewhere I can't really remember. Sweets left second coz err... she needed to meet up with her sis to have dinner with later. Since the surrounding seems different... I remain in silence for awhile b4 Turtle decides to leave the place. We talk a lot in the bus. I find it... educational at that time. Really motivates me sia that talk. Kinda. Once I reached home it was around 7+. HAd to contact Lalah and Amran to see if they had confirm themselves for night cycling with me to West Coast Park. The place is now more beautiful than ever, especially if u go there at night with ur girlfriend. Highly recommended. Maybe I should do that one day. Lets keep hoping. Hehehe... *Geting excited*

In the end only me and Amran manages to go coz Lalah got school the next day and a wedding invitation to attend. We cycled to West Coast Park an believe me, the place is awesome. Amran was amazed and awed by its beauty. Me? I've been there for the second time so not much effect but still its a nice place to reflect, study and stress out urself. We found a nice spot for us to sit which is near to the sea, along the banks. The sea breeze was... how should I say this... cooling and nice. Shiok in other words though it is Singlish. Hehehe... Amran and I had the same imagination. We dream of bringing someone close to us there (maybe if possible). To us its a romantic spot. Really. We headed back home at around 9.45PM. Along the way back, we et up with this foreigner. Damn him. At first I was cyclig in the side walk. Then I spotted him and, using logic, I rang my bell. But this idiot only turn his head to look at us and not moving a muscle away. Like wat the hell rite? I was fine with that but than he said something like "Are u cowards riding on the side walk?" as we pass him. I didn't really bother coz he was quite far already. We stopped at a traffic light and I suddenly notice that bastard was talking to me again. I, of coz listen with both ears not paying much attention, but than he said, "what are u? Ladies or cowards? Only ladies ride on the side walk and not on the street."

I was soo pissed off with him. No one has ever called me a lady nor coward and now he's the first. U think I'm not angry wif that? Of coz I am. He could even ask again, "so wat are u? A lady or a coward?" I didn't even think twice. I chose and shouted at him "
OK FINE! I SAY I'M A COWARD! WHY? U HAVING PROBLEM WITH THAT IS IT?" and Amran said, "I'LL FIND U LATER!" That bastard. For all I know me and Amran are going to find him today and settle this matter once and for all. I still remember that face of him and also I'll never forget that huge stomach of his. Once I get him... he better be prepare. No one messes around with me a gets away with it. He's going to live to regret he every said that to me and Amran.

Well thats it for now. I'm gonna get him. I'll never rest until I do. Well, jyane and chao. Don't worry guys. I'll be fine. U should no my capabilities. Hehehehe...

posted at 11:24 AM

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Yea! Today is Singapore's 40th Birthday!! Wohoo!! And wat a great way to celebrate with a lot of foiled plans for me!! Yeah!! I didn't even go out lor for today... spent most of my time... I don't wish to say this and I still can't believe it... I cried... Its been a long time since I last cried. Thought I had forgotten to cry but it seem I can but only on extreme conditions. *haish* This is embarrassing. My initial plan for today was to watch the fireworks with someone. So I was planning to invite her first but than after many cases like this... I asked the others first but none of them could make it so I was thinking of just canceling it coz... she doesn't want to go out with me and just the two of us. But I did sms her but I didn't ask yet. Just smsing for awhile... Thats when she said she's going out with her friends to watch the fireworks... Lucky I didn't ask. So thats when I was left alone all day at home with a spoil TV, not working internet and totally alone filled with bad luck!! Wat a way to celebrate huh?!

8 August
Went out with the usual group to Beach Road first. Sweets wasn't there and I wish she was there. Thought she had plans with her friends but in the end she didn't had one. Feel soo guilty and bad without asking and checking with her first. And now she's angry and upset with me... First time tasting an Ice Mocha and Chocolate Cream Chip. Wah... Both taste excellent. Like heaven if I may exaggerate further. But in the end I made a grave mistake... I drank one drink that sure will coz a major stomachache. Suffered quite a while in the bus. Hehehe... After that, around 8pm+ I headed for West Coast Park. Heard it's already open to public now. I mean the ocean. It really is open but not officially yet I think. Spent almost 3 hours there looking at other people, the sea, admiring and enjoying the cooling sea breeze... Did a little reflection along the way... Thinking bout wat I did to make her upset...Went back home at 12AM+ Did see some weird occurrence but I don't wanna elaborate further. Don't wanna scare u guys later. Hehehehe...

Well thats it for now... Jyane and chao...

posted at 8:56 PM

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Totally messed up and made a bad impression on Mdm Tan today... I didn't attend her remedial. Well to be exact, the whole class didn't want to go except me. I really wated to go coz O' level is nearing and I'm not that well prepared yet. Now she somehow kinda blame me also for the canceling of remedial. She expected me to attend but in the end I err... didn't. *haish* wasted... I was also appointed "errand boy" for one day just now. I was doing 5 requests from different teachers due to my free time plus I'm willing to help people. Tiring u no but I don't mind it at all. At least I managed to help in doing something.

Yea!! Tomorrow's NDP carnival for our school. Going to have a half day! Early release. But what I'm really looking forward to is not only early release but also the outing we are going to have after that. How I wish she could join in if she can but err... I'm not forcing... just wishing only. Hehehe... Total number of ppl going is... lets see... 7 confirmed ppl. Wah thats a lot sia!! As they say... The more the merrier. I'm going to try to spend some time with her tomorrow if she's going. Lets hope soo huh. Hehehe... Well thats all for now. Jyane and Chao

posted at 8:48 PM

Been 2 days since I last blog huh. Well thats long...considering that my connection nad internet seems to be facing the same problem again and again... The only thing I can say is... crap. Looks like it doesn't seem to like me that much. Oh well... Nothing much happened during the past few days. Only went to study at JE library on Saturday with the usual group and cycling on Sunday with my dad and his friend. But that was in the morning. I was shocked to see how advance their bikes were... nothing compared to mine and seriously... the whole trip I was suffering lor. When it comes to uphill... I was dead meat. Nonetheless I managed to survive the trip to tell this tale today. Hehehehehe... B.T.W I tried asking the value of my dad's friend's bike and to my surprise... it was $4K++ !_! Shocking rite? Didn't managed to test drive it but my dad did for me. He mention how easy and light it was to cycle with that bike. It also using disc brakes. Nice...

Lets see... wat did I go thru today... Went to "study" for awhile in the NCC room than we headed up to the school's Parade Square to watch the rehearsal. Quite nicely done. Waited for Lalah for quite some time, while being accompanied by Kelvin, Sweets and one guy (I don't even no his name yet... pathetic... always forgotten to ask...) When on with eating ice kacang at the local hawker center.Looks like I'm getting well with... Anyway my time has come to an end and I must decide my own fate now or never... I havetaken into consideration the past events and others and finally came up with a conclusion...

I shall continue on. Striving and willed/determined to do my very best and to make thing rite again. I'm happy with my decision. Let my destiny and fate carries me to a better life... YEA!!!! I'm a changed man! Finally. I have been enlightened. Arigatou. Tomorrow's a fresh start. Guess I'll begin from there. Getting late... Guess I'll go off now. Jyane and chao!!

posted at 12:02 AM

Friday, August 3, 2007


Crucify my love
If my love is blind
Crucify my love
If it sets me free
Never know Never trust
"That love should see a color"
Crucify my love
If it should be the way

Swing the heartache
Feel it inside out
When the wind cries
I'll say goodbye
Tried to learn Tried to find
To reach out for eternity
Where's the answer
Is this forever

Like a river flowing to the sea
You'll be miles away, and I will know
I know I can deal with the pain
No reason to cry

Crucify my love
If my love is blind
Crucify my love
If it sets me free
Never know Never trust
"That love should see a color"
Crucify my love
If it should be the way

'Til the loneliness shadows the sky
I'll be sailing down and I will know
I know I can clear clouds away
Oh Is it a crime to love

Swing the heartache
Feel it inside out
When the wind cries
I'll say goodbye
Tried to learn Tried to find
To reach out for eternity
Where's the answer
Is this forever

If my love is blind
Crucify my love
If it sets me free
Never know Never trust
"That love should see a color"
Crucify my love
If it should be the way

posted at 8:53 PM

Today's class was a bit interesting. It all started after recess... two boys had an argument and conflict during recess. I didn't expect a fight would break in the class room. WOHOO!!! Had a great show. Hair pulling... kicking... punching... Wah damn nice sia... I was kinda pathetic though... didn't step in to...jin in the fight!... *haish* wasted... once in a class time sia... Oh well... but it did needed with not much casualties. One of them only had a broken specs. Real nice... broke at the nose bridge support there. Into two. Nice. Thats wat happen during class. During Science Practical Prelim, I didn't screw up that much this time. Weird that my bad luck didn't make a comeback today. Maybe tomorrow than my bad luck comes back huh? Wah best sia like that...

Just didn't complete the last question. Didn't have enough time to. Played badminton after that with CK, Hamster, Turtle and Lalah. The best player I had fought against with today was Lalah. He is the best player one could ever face and seriously we enjoyed that match a lot. Its been a long time since I had a match that awesome with him and he said he feels it nice and motivating to go against me coz I'm equally or less better than him. To put it simple... he's better than me a bit. We ate Ice Kacang after that at the market. Standard as usual. *Ouch* my hand... it still hurts a lot. Kuso... Oh well... Tomorrow going to study... yes!! oh wait... Wat shud I be happy bout... hehehehe... oh nothing... weird sia. Well.. chao now... See ya later.

Devil May Cry
3 days remains...

posted at 8:19 PM

Thursday, August 2, 2007

I don't feel so good today. *haish* tomorrow's prelim for combine science. Not worried though. Just prelim and I can improve if I don't do well. B.T.W I just got my report card during form teachers period. I failed like wat again... WOHOO!!! Time for a fiesta!! *Haish* Who am I kidding with... Nothing much happened during class. Strangely enough the class have begin to settle down already but to me its just to late. Ahahahaha... I thought there was a new student in our school coz I had never seen her b4 but to my shock it was Sweets. She had her hair reborn. It is straight but... she had it cut too... Now she looks like an Egyptian Queen. I prefer her old hair style. Suts her better especially when she does not tie up her hair.

She looks more beautiful and prettier that way. But I like her the way she is and not just by her looks. I like her for who she is, not the appearance or style. No matter how many times I receive some whacking, smacking, kicking and tickling from her... I still love her. XP I wish I can say that to her but I think she finds it weird, irritating or maybe annoying... Oh well. At least I am now really sure bout my feelings. A great achievement. Kinda I guess. Gotta chao now. Getting late... Jyane...

Devil May Cry
4 days remains...

posted at 11:21 PM

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Went to watch movie today with Lalah, Hamster, Kelvin and Suriani. 5 ppl in total. Watched the Simpson movie. The show was funny. Not hilarious enough for me. Watched at the wrong mood. Got distracted easily thats why. Wanted to invite her along but... if I'm not wrong she got other plans. Must let her be free rite? Can't always have her on my group. Correct? Oh well... That was wat happen today in a good way. The bad wa is... I still haven't made up my mind yet and bcoz of that its affecting my behaviour. And to top that up my mum is now blaming others for it. Of coz I had to raise my voice back at her in order to defend the innocent. Long time haven't been doing this sia. Like it a lot. Now I'm beginning to revert back to my negative side. I feel like theres something missing in my life.... And I'm still searching for it.

Devil May Cry
5 days remains... Jyane...

posted at 10:38 PM