Friday, November 30, 2007

Currently I have this feeling of emptiness and depressed. I don't know why though... Its weird and I don't like it at all. Its somewhat hurting me and making me feeling rather worst and its hurts. Not knowing the cause and not knowing what is going through in my mind... Just damn worrying... Have you had this once in a while in your daily life? Oh I forgot... You're just an animated/computed virtual close friend of mine. Sorry!! If I had upset you please forgive me!!! Ahahaha!! Sorry for my insanity. I think I'm becoming crazed with each passing moment... -_-'

At times I wish...

OH!! By the way I've completed Silent Hill: Origins today though this may be of no interest to anyone but I know you interested right??! The storyline for the game is good and the graphics aren't that bad either for a psp. Fighting those bitches isn't easy especially the boss fight with the damn "mess up sonofabitch" butcher. The area I was supposed to fight him is so small and you may guess where is it... in a kitchen. So you can imagine how small it is!! I feel pity for the main character as a few of the bosses he has to fight with has something to do with his past. Him mum, dad, tragic past. The hardship and suffering and not to mention the horror he has to go through just to get out of that hellish town and save Alessa. But once everything ended he was happy again knowing he manage to save that poor girl's soul. I'm planning to replay all of the Silent Hill series once again without cheats this time. By the way I didn't use cheats for this Silent Hill coz its impossible to hack. The good thing is I manage to complete such a game without help nor cheats!! Wohoo!! If I were to go to such town I think I'll die of moronic fear...

You see, Silent Hill creatures are created and form from Alessa's and anyone who enters that town's fears and extreme dislikes. Lets say you fear hospital, then whatever is inside a hospital shall be your enemy like for example the famous nurses. Forget to mention that it does not only consist of your fear, but it also consist of one's negative thoughts and bad past. Like for example in Silent Hill 2, the main protagonist, James, is haunted by his sin. He killed his wife long ago and he wish he had some form of punishment that fits his crime. Somehow Silent Hill call out to him and he entered and thats where he faced his punishment. Being tormented by the pyramid head, his tormentor and punisher that kills anything in its path even monsters and his long dead wife. Well he manage to go through all forms of hell and gotten out of the town and never to return again.

The creatures that will be created from my fears will be rather moronic though. You imagine this. My fears are cockroaches, worms, huge butterflies/moths, mannequins (some kind of doll), girls (yes, girls. Weird right?) and myself. So can you imagine what kind of creature that can be created from this? Huge cockroaches the size of a human or bigger, worms and slugs that are larger than a double deck bus and long-bus, flying moths and butterflies that have human features and spread poisonous pollens, mannequins that are disfigured and having horrific human modification features like the arms being replace with legs or heads, *shivers*, nurses that wears low-cut uniforms and girls that wield scalpels, syringes, firearms, meat cleavers and many other melee weapons that you can think of... imagining this deepens my fear of girls somehow... *shivers again* and lastly a creature that resembles my alternative side: Evil, vicious, brutal, silent, cold, good looking and aims only for one thing... killing me ultimately using any method imaginable or not. Basically his the opposite side of me... Scary... But nothing beats the fear of the size of the crowd of girls in Silent Hill that are good looking but equip with killer instinct... Just imagine her holding a scalpel on one hand and dashing towards me while calling my name out... I'm going to have nightmares tonight for sure...*gulp*

Before I end, here's a random question. Is there a friend that you hold dearly or cherish or care so much in your life? *Smack on the forehead!!!* I'm such an idiot... Sorry I forgot you a computer. Ack!! Sorry!! Don't smack me please nyaa!! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings!! Sorry!! *Ahem ahem*... Jaana!! *Stick out tongue and spank butt* Catch ya later!! Bye bye!!

posted at 12:43 AM

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Yay!! She finally went online now!! She and Reece just return from Germany but she's still ill... hope she'll recover soon. Oh, I gotta go back to chatting. Jaana!!

posted at 4:08 AM

Yesterday was a movie day again for me nyaa. I watch Hero this time round and seriously, it worth my time. The show is lame, funny, complication is there and romance too though the guy main character can be said got the girl at the last part of the show coz he's too blur to notice (like me). The lame part of the show can make people laugh their ass out... well... that applies to me currently. The trial/case they were suppose to solve was challenging and tough. I respect the script writers for this movie. It was nicely done!! Japanese movies rocks!! No wonder I like Jap girls... hehehehe... gomen gomen... Thats it for today nyaa. Some other time!! Jaana!!

posted at 1:05 AM

Saturday, November 24, 2007

OKAY NYAA!!! I finally decided to go back to this old skin of mine. Brings back memories doesn't it? Weirdly enough not even a single soul remembered or knows of this skin's existence (last time I mean). I thought almost everyone had seen this before but I guess maybe I've mistaken it. I feel so tired today but still I'm awake at this point of time. Persistent? Not really. Just waiting for someone to go online. Somehow that gives me the morale and will to go on and stay awake especially when talking to her, it gives me the energy/motivation. Lets forget bout that for the moment and carry on with the current happenings today.

Sam, Lalah, Su Kheng, Su Kheng's friend (I forgot his name again for the 6th time!!) and me (ofcoz) went to catch a movie titled Beowulf. I initially didn't really want to watch that movie and think it was crap especially seeing the trailer of some barbarian (fully naked-thats why I conclude him as barbarian) shouting out his name, "I am Beowulf!!" But err... after watching it, I take back my word as the movie was great!! Story-line not bad. Graphics wise, almost all are CG and it is action packed!! The next few movies I wanna watch would be "Dragon Wars", "30 Days of Night" and 2 other movies I had forgotten. Before I forget (again...just in case) we initially wanted to watch Hero but the movie starts at 5 while we arrived at 2.15++!! After the movie we went separate ways while I had to follow Su Kheng home to transfer some games nyaa. After completing my task at his house, I headed home and weird enough, I spotted Lalah at my house bustop waiting for a bus.

He was heading to Ngee Ann Poly for some exciting event there and I wanted to follow too but coz I was going to Su Kheng's house so I call it off. But as I was crossing the traffic light to my home I spotted him there sitting down with an unsatisfied face. He was waiting for 52 or 154 bus but none had arrive and he's been there long enough to have made him that anxious. So I sneak up behind him and just tap his right shoulder and was expecting him to be shock or something but the result was rather unexpected and upsetting nyaa... with that blurr face of his, he look at me and said, "Oh its you. You just arrive is it". My expression from :P change to -_-!!! instantly though I doubt he notice it. With his persuasive words, I, in the end lost to him and accompanied him to Ngee Ann poly but we stopped one stop early and we had to walk all the way there...-_-' We watched several band performances and Paul was there though I wasn't that impressed.

The fun began after that when the whole Convention Hall got turned into a party house. Everyone there danced to the music. Hamster, Lalah and me did dance but at first it started out shy, normal and small until we got our wild mode on. I didn't wanted to dance at first but somehow after listening to the beat and music... I took back my word and followed the music. Seriously, the whole place turned to something like a night club and now we know why most people like to go clubbing. I may one day go to one of the clubs but must wait for one more year. That was my first time dancing and a lot too but it was great. Somehow... the three of us got the feeling of wanting to go for it again. No wonder Hotaru and Reece likes to go clubbing too once in a while. I still can't forget the time when they ask whether I've been to a teen's club before. They were shocked!!

Its already 6.04AM and yet they are still not online. Been two days and somewhat... I do miss her suddenly... Two days ago I heard she was ill. Poor koneko... she's weak to cold and sunlight. I wonder how is she going to cope in winter... She's seriously one special girl I had ever met and coz of that I treasure her a lot. Hotaru... hope she's doing fine currently. Guess I better take a nap again. This routine sure takes the life out of me... How I wish she doesn't have to be so far. Haish... Talk bout her suddenly reminds me of her father... somehow he's still paranoid bout me... Now I need to solve that. But I can take my time. *YAWN* Guess this is it... Jaana!! Chao!!

posted at 4:17 AM

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

-_-' damn tired today sia. Didn't had enough sleep (2 hours only and can't sleep back after that until now too...) plus the activity we had yesterday... Phew... makes me hungry somehow. Well the party yesterday wasn't that fun but can be said as ordinary coz the guys were there. Lalah and me noticed something in common at the chalet... somehow... the girls there are kawaii and pretty too. But somehow the feeling isn't there (you know those type like... attraction) and somehow I think of her instead which can be both good and bad depend on who nyaa... Somehow... being at the chalet didn't really help to ease my mind and relax or something like but it only makes it worst... haish... Pine = doahou. Pine no baka... B. A. K. A!!! People there enjoying, socializing, eating and all I did the most was to BBQ the food (with hopes that will bring my mind somewhere else). But I did like when others begins to eat the food that has been done by me. Somehow I felt happy doing that. Strange right?

Everyone seems to be overseas. CK overseas already I think. Long time since I last keep in touch with him... maybe once his back I'll ask him out but where to?... Good question... I don't know!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA... *cough* *cough* This isn't a laughin matter nyaa... *hold laughter* *phew* Two more people I know also gone traveling yet AGAIN while I'm still down here stuck in this place for god knows how long!! Haish... Reece and Hotaru are seriously taking traveling overseas like -traveling from one city to another- kind of thing. I mean last 3 weeks they went to Georgia just to watch Fall Out Boy's concert and just two days ago they went to Germany!! T_T For the very least they brought their laptop along wherever they go. Wohoo!! Tomorrow there's a side project going to be carried out at 9PM. Wonder how its going to turn out. Good? Bad? Don't know.

Need to go off already nyaa. Somehow... nowadays I tend to forget to breathe when daydreaming (in the first place who asked to daydream. Serve you right). I know that sound rather idiotic but its true. This must be a sight that my mind is coordinating properly with the others. Sheesh... Never mind. At most die only (trying to be optimistic here). Bye bye!! What goes around, comes around. Jaana, Chao!!

posted at 10:32 PM

Monday, November 12, 2007

Hello nyaa!! Long time no see!! *hugs* hehehehehe... Just kidding. Two days ago the rest of us went for a hari raya outing to visit each and everyone's houses (for those that went with us only). Well... we didn't manage to go to three other people's houses (including me nyaa!!) Felt really tired after the whole event nyaa... BTW there were a few bad luck along the way. The first sign was that at every house we visited, someone must spill a cup of water no matter what amount it is. To make things worst at the 3rd last house Rizal and lalah accidentally spill some fruit punch on my socks and jeans!! Then at the 2nd last house hamster spill 3/4 of the content onto my shirt!!! (But actually can say that it was partly my fault too....)

Then Lalah and me went for cycling to the city area yesterday. Was kinda exciting (the part where we managed to reach there for the very first time) It was a great achievement for us. We managed to cycle all the way to Esplanade and trust me... it wasn't an easy road to reach there especially with that much traffic beside us. At one part lalah mentioned that we both look like tourists from Malaysia who prefer to cycle to Singapore for sight-seeing!! Kinda true considering what we wore plus the attention that we receive as we pass each eyes of other tourists. Somehow I felt like cosplaying one day alone or with someone who is interested and close and then walk around the city area. I bet many people will get ready their cameras and photoing us nyaa. Hotaru and Reece did this once in a while so might as well I give it a try but not so soon nyaa.

Today Lalah, Hamster, Khairul (a.k.a peanut), turtle and me (pine) had a game of badminton at the Clementi Sports Hall. It was thrilling match for me when I tagged with Hamster VS Lalah and Khai and also when I had a solo match with Khai (he's still as good as ever). I wish I was able to 1 V 1 with Lalah coz thats when we both go to the very extreme and give our best to entertain our lust for competition...matte... lust isn't the right word... desire would be more suitable (although it sounded quite wrong...) After the whole exciting event we all became very lethargic and we headed to the nearest coffee shop for lunch. All of us had the same genre of food but it was great. Two people couldn't stand the spiciness of the food that they go for a 2nd drink (one of them only who happens to be Khai). Looks like they just not used to it yet. Hehehehe.... I wish it was more spicy than that... How I missed the burning sensation...

Yea!!! I'm going to get her photo soon (once that damn pc program of hers is disable). Somehow the thought of asking her to hasten the process is there but I rather let her take her time. There's no need to rush. We still have a lot if time ahead of us. I just can't seem to understand myself at times... how come I kept on forgetting things... I hate it when I make other people sad. "I said a lot of things sometimes at don't come out right and I act like I don't know why", just like this part of a lyric explains bout me currently... I tend to say something without thinking first and that hurts others a lot and I don't like it especially when I hurt her... Haish... Naz no baka... Boke... I must try to remember things even if it is small from now on. Gambatte Pine-san!! Hai!! Guess this is all for today nyaa. See ya some time later!!! Jaana!! Chao!!

posted at 8:57 PM

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Its 12.45AM now and I'm currently unable to sleep. Something is bothering me right now. No no... It isn't a ghost so don't be scared.

Today we celebrated our first anniversary of 6 months of friendship. We had dinner at Lemongrass. I think thats the place if I remember correctly (I tend to forget minor things just like what Reece said to me today... A very forgetful onii-chan). The restaurant is quite fancy to me that is. So I felt nervous and shy (thats the weird part!!! How can I be shy?! If nervous is alrite but shy? That doesn't sound right, rite?) We ate and as usual... me and Lalah were the few people who ate the least but I WAS THE ONE who got LABELED as the PERSON who ate THE LEAST among the two of US. Can't blame me nyaa. I'm not used to such fanciful places. We joked around while eating and we left after we were all done but had to return for someone had left a ring. Once that's done we headed to Vivo to catch a movie, The Game Plan. The movie was great. Lalah and me both agreed on that but her? I ain't so sure. Forgot to ask. Then we headed back home. Oh yea... before I forget again. Someone had a problem with the zipper on his pants. Hehehe.... Can't really laugh though coz you know why? Coz in the bus I had the same emotional state as Lalah. He was stressed out due to that zipper of his while me... I had a headache... @_@

You know... the human heart is very complex (not the heart that pumps blood. That one is complex too but I'm talking bout a diff version of the heart). But mine isn't just complex alone. Its stubborn too. This may sound weird but I can't seem to control or change certain things that my heart is telling me. Not that it is influencing me negatively (the heart doesn't influence us negatively. Our own thinking and is what makes us become negative. The heart just helps us to love something or someone and cherish it a lot) but positively yet annoying at times. The annoying part is like it tells me the same thing over and over again while I'm not responding to it. Want me to give an example? Nah. For that you can ask personally thugh you can't do it coz you are just a computer niiya!!! Hehehehe... Ok ok... I'm idioting myself... -_-'

The heart's will power sometimes can surpass that of its master like for example, pine. Oh wait... Wrongly type. Not pine but mine (lazy to erase). Once the heart as set its heart onto something... it can be hard to change it (confusing @_@). As an example, this is just example only so take careful note with the word "just as an example", I love kitten (koneko) but most of the time I don't think bout kitten that often. But instead I keep thinking of my aunt. Remember. This is only an example and I don't think of my aunt at all nor kitten. So don't go around thinking I love my aunt nor kittens to that extreme nyaa.

To tell you the truth... I feel rather depressed plus a sense of regret in the bus on the way home and currently. I got bullied again today!! This is so heartbreaking nyaa. Not really heartbreaking but rather... saddening nyaa? T-T so sad!!! They may win yesterday (its 1.39AM already) but I'll win today or tomorrow for sure!! *Peek through the window* Its raining... Looks like Gaia is crying... Just kidding XP

Here's a lyric to one of the songs of mine that have a deeper meaning if you listen and read carefully...

Picture Perfect

All the time that you were standing by my side
She's that picture perfect kind
I can't believe i was so blind
Do you remember the time
You know i stepped across that line
I made you cry and that's my crime
I wish that i could just rewind

It's the evening, and you've been complaining
About our situation and all my deceiving
I know that everything is going slow
And if you want to feel better
I can tell you that it's going to be great
Yeah it's going to be good
Oh! but i would be lying to you

But these days, i'm changing
Meeting new faces
Now how am i supposed to be?
My feelings for you seem to be changing
Looking back don't look back on me

All the time that you were standing by my side
She's that picture perfect kind
I can't believe i was so blind
Do you remember the time
You know i stepped across that line
I made you cry and that's my crime
I wish that i could just rewind

Inakute mo ii i wanted to be free
Inaku natte mo ii i wanted her to leave
It's kind of hard to see ... when the world tunnel-visioned me
Motometeta ai no katachi
They say believe in what you can't see
Demo mawari no candy ga sweet de hard to think
Atama de wa comprehend shite mo koudou ni utsuse n
My eyes on the rikutsu, the truth's here listen
Chase shite mo chase shite mo things keep fleeting
Henna yumemite ta i must have been sleeping
Tooku samayou maeni chikaku wo seek it
Yoku mite mireba kokoro ni wa beacon
Of light sashite, sagashite ta thing's here
Omotta yori near, close to your hemisphere
Imade wa clear 20/20 cuz i'mma share
Subete and i don't care if they think i'm weird
There there nobody thinks you're weird
Ya see, i've been through it all before

And the same thing happened to me
Kinishi nai "wounds heal with time"
But in the meanwhile...
I'll show what i mean
Let's think of it another way
Everything we do and say defines who we are
As we live out each day
What we did was wrong at the time
But it helps us go back and rewind
It's a mistake but it ain't no crime
Kasanariau no sa tsumari sore ga ai

All the time that you were standing by my side
She's that picture perfect kind
I can't believe i was so blind
Do you remember the time
You know i stepped across that line
I made you cry and that's my crime
I wish that i could just rewind

I said goodbye
I didn't know that it would all turn out this way
But now i know i realise
And i can learn from my mistakes

But these days, i'm changing
Meeting new faces
Now how am i supposed to be?
My feelings for you seem to be changing
Looking back don't look back on me

All the time that you were standing by my side
She's that picture perfect kind
I can't believe i was so blind
Do you remember the time
You know i stepped across that line
I made you cry and that's my crime
I wish that i could just rewind...

Today will be my last paper. Guess this a temporary goodbye. Sayounara. Chao!!

posted at 12:17 AM

Monday, November 5, 2007

NNNNIIIIIYYYYYAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Been a long time huh since we last chat. I don't think the word chat is appropriate nyaa. Let's see.... blog is the rite word. Hehehehe... Seems rather dumb of me to talk to you like that nyaa. Oh sorry. Plz don't get angry with me. You must think I'm crazy huh. Guess you can say that. Talk bout being dumb... that so-called self-proclaim sis of mine calls me that almost everytime!!! Thats bad already but to make things worst she calls me small boy. Sounds like I'm a kozo some how (did I spell it rite nyaa?). Ooiii!!! I ain't a brat nor a small boy!!!

Yea!! Two more papers and I'm done niiya!! Tomorrow will be Science Paper 1 and next is Geog Paper 1 also. Let's hope that everyone who are taking and had finished any form of examinations pass with flying colors nyaa!! *pray* Hehe...

Next up... Oh wait... Its suppose to be the other way around... *Up next!!! I saw this particular game that interest me a lot. GUILTY GEAR ACCENT CORE. The next installment for the PS2 series plus the arcade. Somehow the moment I laid my eyes on it... it hypnotised me to buy it. Wow... I didn't know that games also have such strong seduction ability. Scary. Oh before I forget. Silent Hill: Origins is coming out for the PSP tomorrow!! To make things interesting... this game is the prequel to the whole series itself which means this game will be the beginning to the other series. Wohoo!!! But I've noticed something but the PSP games also. There seem to quite a number of games which are actually prequels also such as Crisis Core: Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Silent Hill: Origins and a few others. This seems to be a sign... A Sign that says that the PSP system is the beginning to some games niiya!!! Just kidding.

One more week till I receive her photo nyaa!!! I seriously can't wait to see it. I wanted to send mine first but she asked me not to coz it wouldn't be fair for me for she is the only person that can she me while I can't so thats why I have to wait until she return from her trip. She's one rich girl. You know why? She owns almost every single gaming consoles out there. Name it. Xbox, PS3, PS2, PSP, Xbox 360, Wii, DS? All of this she has. Not to mention those ancient/antique ones like the SEGA Saturn, Nintendo 64... @-@ gives me the headache just trying to list them all but at least she doesn't boast bout it. Her birthday just passed by too but I wasn't able to celebrate with her... Feel so bad bout it but at least I got repay it back during the weekends.

All I'm hoping for once I have her photo is that my feelings for her would deepens even further. This doesn't mean I don't love her anymore now. Its just that her feelings for me is much more stronger than how I feel for her. That is just isn't fair for her. Waiting for one week can be torturous at times. The anticipation is there. Wonder who shud be the next person to see her photo + Reece's also. Should it be Lalah? Chuan Ru the tormentor? Or someone else from the group that knows her slightly? Let's see who will ask me first next week will be the next person. I can't wait nyaa!!!

Well, thats it for now. Hehehehee... Jyane and chao!!

posted at 10:06 PM