Friday, March 21, 2008

*Hidin behind a bush* *Surprise jump* Yosh!! How are you doin lately? Did I scare ya? Hehehe.. Long time isn't it? Sorry bout that. Been discouraged to talk to ya lately due to PC restartin so don't get the wrong idea please. Hope you're doin fine, coz I am I think. Hehe..

On last weekends, I went for an event at Vivo City called Matsuri 08. The first day was J-rock event and the 2nd day was cosplay event. Both days were great but comparin the number of familiar faces between both days... the first one was better. Managed to make new friends there too. Some of them literally scares the crap out of you like what happen to me on the first day whereby this lady wanted to take a photo with me and Kai but she just stood quietly behind me, observin and not sayin anythin (like a stalker). Frightened me the moment I turn around. I mean, she could have approach Kai or somethin but she just stood there... same applies to the guys who saw it but kept quiet.

Also during the first day, there was this guy that mistaken as a guy from a particular band sayin that I look like one of them... He apologised first if he got the wrong person which is he did. Do I look like one? That means I have potential!! Wohoo!! XP Just kiddin... Didn't expect my photos to be taken and uploaded on SGCafe... but it was an honor though. Just didn't plain expect it. I got more shock on the second day when a Eurasian asked for a photo with me and Kai and her. Accepted and posed but to her I wasn't near enough to her. So I move close like 1-2cm away but somehow to her still it wasn't close enough... "YOu must stand closer during phototakin. It will look better", that's what she told me and suddenly just grabbed me by my hip and pulled to her and I was really close. Literally my torso and leg was touchin her... though I moved slightly away from her but I can't believe she would do that!! This is a first... but I prefer not her doin that but someone else... T_T I must say she's not those kind of shy girls especially from her comments of her photos. Hehehe... such a lovely lady. Now now, don't you get the wrong idea bout this. Just that I hardly see girls like her. Girls I know are camera shy when it comes to me takin of them and not others takin photos of them... I don't get that logic, seriously.

Thats all for now. Too much excitement for one day. Hehehe... *Starts to sing* I'm all alone.. in the sunset.. hehehe just kiddin. Pop outta my head suddenly with a catchy tune too! Ack!! 3.28AM already! Gotta go! Looks like yesterday was my another "baka" free day. So happy yet so sad at the same time. Jaana!! Bye bye and chao! Btw, will upload some photos during the events here later. Mushroom!!

posted at 12:39 AM

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Yoshiku!! Currently using my dad's pc for the time being (I can't bear with the auto-restart). Time for good news! I've got into MacPherson ITE instead of Bukit Batok. Should be a good thing coz I won't be that much of a "bad influence" to others. Although its far, the facility there I must say is better. More well-behaved students and not so many of those troublemaker though in Bukit Batok there's more of familiar faces there. Oh, I've bought my uniform too but... I was being embarrassed in front of the salespersons when we were buyin my PE shirt who happen to be a guy and two females, all from the campus itself I think tryin to help out. My dad pull out a sized L pants and put it over my jeans. My mum took a look at it and said, "I think it looks more like a skirt than a pants if you were to wear that". Then my dad tried the sized S instead... makes things worst... what's more, they laughin at me!! Lucky there wasn't any familiar faces there to see me in that state. I could have died... BTW.. there's no size M for the moment..

You know Hotaru? Of course you do. She'll be back from Korea today. I'll be hearin news bout her soon I hope. Was worried bout her and I hope she's doing well... Its getting late. See ya.

posted at 12:53 AM

Saturday, March 1, 2008

HHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Rush and Hug* I miss you so much!! How are you? Are you hurt? Eh? What's this question doing here? Hehe... -_-' But I do miss you though. Sorry for not being able to talk to you for so long. You know the usual... Comp almost auto-restartin for most of the time. Doesn't that pisses you off? It does for me especially when I'm downloadin stuffs nearin to complete then it restarted. Have to redownload the whole crap thing again... haish... Lets put that aside and get on with the usual shall we?

Yesterday was a very special day. A date that comes only once in every 4 years. That is February 29. We went out to watch movie but sadly enough we had to change the plan coz some can't make it to watch the later timeslot which is at 9pm. So watched "Meet the Spartans" instead. An okay show I guess. But I still prefer "L Change the World". Can't believe I've watched it twice but I don't mind goin for third. I'll just some other time to catch "The Leap Years". Can't believe I got bullied again but lookin at the bright side it wasn't triple threat. I would be dead if that happens. Hehe... Really! Due to lack of oxygen!

BTW, I just discovered that yesterday was my aunt's anniversary. My mum told me that yesterday. No wonder I've hardly see them celebratin their anniversary. But, yea, they celebrate it yesterday. Just like couples or should I say like they were still young though none of us could see what they were doing (out for a date I guess). I told my mum that if I was to make any important decision, Feb 29 would be a nice date for me to do it coz its special. But she said that if I can't even do it on any normal, what makes me think I can accomplish that on a day like this... sheesh... what a great motivation... But I just told her that since its a day that comes once every 4 years, of course I'll do it. And she just dampens my spirit by sayin I have to wait another 4 years if I miss it. Haish... guess she doesn't believe that I can...

You still remember Reece? Hotaru's close friend? She's now havin 8 huskies as her pet!! It belongs to her neighbor but when the mother died... the neighbor gave it to her all and Reece parents allows it. She's one lucky girl. They are all puppies by the way. A few months old I think. And one of them has my name... direct spell. Letter by letter. What's more, he's quite similar to me too. He's playful, cute and like to be chase by others and will turn behind to see if anyone is still chasin him (well... you can ignore the cute part for similarity). For the puppy, he likes to be chased while for me, on the hand, others like to bully me. Pokin here and pokin there. Haish...

Lets see... due to this I've got a new nickname, Husky... Glad she hasn't use it yet on me. Let me list down my nicknames so far that I have:
-Crimsom (this is how I pronounce it)
-Pine-san (please pronounce the "pine" part as how you pronounce "pine" in pinapple and not "pi-ne)
-dumb dumb... (man... this makes me sounds like a kid...)

I shall omit some of the nicknames that I've recently acquire (Lets close one eye ok? Please!). I wasn't able to sleep the whole night. Must be what I ate once I reach home. Lets see... what did I eat... I ate crab and... Holy crap!! No wonder I can't sleep! Hehehe... Nah, just kiddin. Got somethin in my mind I guess. Rest assured, I'll be fine. Well thats it. Jaana and chao!!

posted at 11:40 AM