Saturday, June 28, 2008

Yosh!! Miss me? Hehe... I do though you don't really care bout that huh. As usual... oh well... just kidding. Wanted to chat with ya yesterday but connection problem with the router. Couldn't connect to it for some unknown reason but now it's fine. I'm aching all over due to the camp I attended for 3 days straight. The camp was great, I must say, but at certain point during the activity was kinda bad too. Plus I didn't sleep for two days straight!! I'll shall share everything base on what I can remember for better understanding. Here goes nothing.

First day,

I arrive in school around 9.25AM and I was the first from m class to arrive. I saw only the Student Councillors back then. After some time... Ed, Sebastian and Z came together (Ed gave them a lift. I took bus T_T). Just as they came I kena bully already by Sebas... kuso!! Everyone eventually came and registered at the student hub by 10.15AM. We placed our bagstemporarily in the student hub and off we went for our first activity, name memorising game (trust me, you wouldn't like this game if you are weak in rmemberin peoples name instantly). There's a forfeit that we must do if we aren't able to complete an activity properly and I am proud to say I managed to complete every activity without fail. The forfeit for this game is that you have to do what others suggested as a form of punishment. But before the game begins, our president, Logan (not longan the fruit) ask if anyone would like to volunteer themself for the current game without explainin to us what we are about to face. Edward volunteered himself willingly and Logan admires his courage to step out not knowin anything. As a reward, Edward was allowed to intro himself to everyone without havin to remember others name as we take turns to pronounce everyone's names before us and then ourselves. I was the 3th last so I had to remember 16 names in total (excludin my name) while the last person must remember all 19 names (excludi his own).

Total number of people who failed was 4 and they are, Yasir, Mei Yi, Vincent and one more guy I can't remember his name suddenly...pity them coz they need to perform this stupid dance whereby one has to make a movement of turnin a tap on, takin out a light bulb and makin a hand gesture when someone doesn't know somethin, at the same time... Hehehe..thinkin bout it makes me feel like laughin. Sorry guys!! Up next was a game of followin each others action. The leader will do a certain action of his and the next person to the right must follow his previous action whiile the leader will come up with a new movement. The game is called "chop chill chop". The next one is "007". Hmm... I can't remember the rest of the ice breaker games. After the activity we gathered for a brain cracking experience..every group needs to come up with a cheer, a group name and a group banner. Our group name is Star which means Succeed Together And Ready to go. We had lunch after that and we headed for physical yet teamwork kind of games like Eagle and chicken and foosball. Went for dinner at around 7 and continue with and excitin game of japanese occupation.

It's a game similar to hide and seek but the forfeit for this game if you were caught before the time is up is that the "prisoners" will hav to sit cloe together with both their hands and legs tied together with the person beside them and blindfolded. They will pour water, flour and some dirty water on the victims as another punishment too. I was caught once due to a group of us hiding behind a truck container and one idiot gave away our hiding spot accidentally by switchin from place to place. So yea, I had that "wonderful" wet experience once and we were asked to hide again but this time, Rani and I (one of my group members) hid behind a bush/plant and we hide deep inside, in between the plants till the game was over and we weren't caught at all. But the sad thing is I got face covered with webs and weird thing is the seekers did not find us even when they were flashin their torchlight in our direction!! Headed for the bathroom and off to sleep we go in the MPH (Multi-Purpose Hall/MacPherson Hotel). But I wasn't able to sleep includin 4 other guys in the end. One of them is me, Shah, Edward, Sebas and Yasir. The rest weren't able to sleep due to the heat whereas for Shah and me... we both hav our own reasons why we couldn't sleep at all. Btw, me and Shah were side by side everytime we are in the sleepin area. First reason why we couldn't sleep is bcoz of the heat. The second and the main reason is that we both miss someone close to us dearly or should I say deeply. Shah misses his girl a lot whereas for me... you know la huh. Nope, it's not my mum or my sis nor my secret weapon that I miss the most but it was... never mind. Even if I say it, that person will just say, "Don't need to miss me one" or "thats your problem." T_T so harsh...but I find it rather strange for me to be missin her to the extend I can't even sleep...

In between the time I was talkin and turnin during the first night...sabby came and slide in once in a while that scares the crap out of me...just imagine this. In total darkness, you can only see an outline of a female in front of you. Scary rite? hehe..

Second day,

Everyone had to assembled at the field area by 7AM for PT. Ran for two rounds and some stretches. Took a quick shower and off we go for our breakfast. First activity of the day is..finishin and rehearshin our cheer and skit that we will hav to perform at night. Around 9.10AM, our bus came to fetch us and brought us all the way to West Coast Park. Stayed there till 4PM. The games that we participate were all physical kind of games like for example, "Crusade" where by you need to complete a set of obstacles and find 10 stars hidden under the sand in the piramide area. "Dress your best man" was also a fun game that taps on your creativity. One guy from each each must be a model and the rest will come up with designs and use it on a blank t-shirt. The lucky victim from my group is Yasir coz he's a slacker. Hardly contribute anythin. We headed back to campus after that and we took a long rest till it was 5.30.

We were asked to assemble outside SC hub but one of the student councillors told us not to due to some tension buildin up inside the room among the councillors. At 6.30PM, my twin brother (he has the same name as me and damn...not bad lookin compared to me...T_T) told us to check the room out coz it seems empty. When we stepped into the room, the whole place was in a mess. Tables and chairs being flunk around. Pieces of papers all over the floor and cushion covers went missin. Most people were shocked and angry but we notice something. THe pieces of papers were torn nicely and being placed in an orderly manner. Sebastian was the one who couldn't really control hiimself thus he use me to calm down by basically...bullyin me once again and jokin around...later on we found out that the Vice--president was the one who was behind it (like duh coz everyone hates him due to how he does things). Later on durin dinner we had to cook for ourselves and we cook maggie mee...not bad taste though plus I had to finish Rani's cookin..cut short, headed to sleep after that when we're done bathin. Couldn't sleep once again at that night...saddenning..the next mornin we had breakfast as usual and prize presentation. My team won 2nd position in "Most coorperating team" and Mya won the "best camper award". We'll thats it for now. byebye!!

My Group: Me, Mya, Rani, Yasir and Pei Shan

From left to right: Atiqah, Sabariah (Sabby), me, Shah, Yasir, Rani and Mya.

posted at 7:15 PM

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Yosh!! Feeling raher nervous for tomorrow's camp. I have not tell you bout it rite? Hmm... From 25, 26 and 27, I'll be away for my sudent council camp and will be back by 11AM on 27 June. Oh well. I just hope I will be accepted nto student council. Oh, forgot to mention one more thing. Even before I am selected to be student council... I'm already one of the four chosen ones to do carpark duty next month, 4th of July... T_T To make things worst, my class advisor (form teacher) is the head of student council so he expects more from us who are in his class... I'm dead... Hehehe... oh well... what to do... should have listen to her. Me and my stupid idea of tryin something new...hehehe... no wonder people calls me baka... Now, didn't expect that to be comin out of my mouth. Gotta go. Need to pack my stuffs for the camp. Byebye!!

posted at 1:48 PM

Friday, June 20, 2008

Yosh... Currently gettin ready to sleep soon. My eyes are closing. Must check to see if there's any typo errors or not coz yesterday I sms with quite a number of typo errors in it... T_T then was corrected a lot of times... hehe... So how are you? Fine I hope. Me? Sleepy thats all. Long time huh... I just started playin Silent Hill 4 and now I'm startin to not like that game. First time I ever dislike a horror game. You know why? There's this enemy called "victims" and the problem bout them is that they can't die no matter what you do to them... Scary huh. I'd rather play Fatal Frame. To make things worst I'm currently usin my sound system to play with my ps2...ultimate mayhem!! YEA!! My eyes can't take it anymore... guess I'll go off now and see you some other time.. sorry for any typo error again (if any). Bye bye..*sleeps*

posted at 4:04 AM

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Feels so tired today... Went out with Kai and Kelvin today. Hehe... been a long time since I last hang out with Kelvin. You know, yesterday I went for Yoshinori's outing includin Kai, Saka, Minisuka and Koneko. The outing wsa kinda bad but I did enjoy myself with the rest of the group. He needs to work on his organising skill but I heard from most that they would not be attendin his outin anymore. Me? Maybe I'll join in. Just a maybe only huh so it's not a confirm thingy. Nothing much excitin happen during the event except for the unexpected chase by Takoyaki and the attacks by the Sisters. That chase really scares me and the attacks just shocked me... didn't expect that to happen at all. *Shivers* I bearly make it alive out of the multiple attacks... haish...

My eyes are bout to close but I'll try to keep myself awake since I'm uploadin some pictures. I should be done latest by 1AM I guess? Alrightou, see ya some other time!! Janna!! Byebye!!

posted at 10:10 PM