Saturday, October 18, 2008

Damn.... never in my life have I EVER BEEN HUMILIATED to this extend... damn... Tonight is one of the most worst case scenario in my life... damn... You wanna know wad happen? I shall not ask you not to laugh coz four already did... damn... (will I stop sayin damn for once!!) AARRGGHHH!!! Stupid song... wrong at the wrong time... ppl down here low moral like shit and the song is as bad... so tempo with sadness and grief.... kaa... I'll tell you wad happen...

I was drinkin water 2 hours ago. Maybe there's an invisible ant or somethin inside and I didn't see it so I just pour the GD water...several minutes later, irritation starts to occur on the top left lips of mine and soon before I know it, a small swollen appears. I could still laugh coz it was small...same goes for the other two...but in the end things got grew bigger, mum laugh further more, sis added more salt to the wound by jokin and irritate me, dad found out and laugh a bit (at least he didn't LOOK at me and laugh damnit). arghh...the only damn thing they can say is "hope everythin will be ok tmr" and "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" the next moment even rite before they went to slp....

Can't this damn thing grow smaller any minute now?! Its gettin worst!! Do I have to rub some medication to it or burst it with somethin?! Sleep is wad I need now...kaa... there's one more before I end. I was visitin the toilet to relieve myself. Close the door and everythin was fine. Before I went in I was playin Resident Evil game for a while and the way I place my hand on the door look just as familiar. So I was pullin it to the left to open the door to exit for my house toilet... just then... your neighbourhood super hero jumps from the sky (more like the damn door...) and landed on my hand. Cicak-man!!! or known as Lizard-man!!! Nicely layin there like a brand new watch of mine...-_-'

Panicked abit for I tot it was a cockroach for 2 seconds. Not bad for a lizard coz I toss my left arms around with all my strength and it stuck there for a while longer then expected before it flew to the wall and causin me to bang my right knee on the wall and door several times (oooowwwww). Damn... all I can say is, yesterday was an eventful day...btw, school started for me already. Bought my books already and not to worry, I studied a bit already. Kaa...thing I'll end there...goin to check my email now. Thanks for hearin me out. See ya...

posted at 12:52 AM

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Life is beautiful. Don't you agree? The smell of fresh air (sorry but we hardly get that feelin of "fresh air" during the mornin coz of the zoom-zoom cars. If only fresh air is available in the market like fresh fruits...), the company of friends around you, the beautiful scenery around you (try visitin the park or the woods and you'll understand but don't go to the city!! that is a different beautiful scenery...not nature's), the sound of music that rings in your ears and lastly, to me this is much beautiful and meaningful than life is, havin someone that you love the most to accompany and be with you. Sharin happiness and hardships, Laugh and tears together. It means much more than just sharin jokes with a friend. Really. Life IS wonderful ^^

"A gentle breeze blew as I look ahead of me. A beautiful river flows before me under the warm sun. A gentle whisper is being heard from my left ear, I turn. As she spreads her soft, beautiful wings, I saw a gorgeous angel. A beauty bestow upon me. A gift from the heaven...As I tear, she approach me, holdin me by her smooth touch of her hands, she hold me. A beauty that stand no other. Her elegent movements, angelic wings, face of innocent, cuteness that feels like sugar rush. Pretty and beautiful at the same time. You're the angel of my heart" - For you...

Wad time is it? ACK!!! It's 3.28AM already!! Gotta sleep now. Sorry bout that, for sleepin early. Continue next time.

posted at 2:12 AM