Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hello!! How are you? Its been some time since we last talk huh? Well...I finally done with my global warming research. I'm in charge of finding the solutions to that problem but along the way I tried to search for the causes and options of other people towards that topic, though I'm not so sure whether this effort of mine will pay off. Just left with the survey now. But to do that I need the whole team first.

Let's look at the time now. Its 1115 already...feel like sleepin but er...maybe just a little longer. I think I'll stay up until 12.30 or 1AM. Why you may ask? Hmm....can't tel you that but you shud no the reason. no. Not late night movies. are. Never mind. Did I tell you that for this past two days I feel uncontented? Yea...its my heart actually...

No no. I'm not heart problems. Just having a heart illness thats all... I'm havin heart sick (love sick). In other words my heart feels unfulfilled...Why? Well....I'm currently ill with coughin but I'm recoverin soon bcoz I can feel it! But for that past 2 days it stops me from being me...the loving person that I am...Thre's so many that I use to be able to do with little angel but now, due to coughin and flam (I think this is how it is being spelled). If I were to still continue, I might pass it to her...*sigh* saddenning isn't it? Well what to do...wait! there is somethin that I can do and that is recover AFAP!! Yea! thats right!!

Gosh... I miss her already...actually since just now afte I see her waving goodbye to me and sayin...*personal* to me. T_T btw, I am really tearin as I'm typin this...miiss her too much already...gah... T_T...I..I...I think I'll stop here...bye bye...

posted at 11:09 PM

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hi hi!! I was just replyin to CK's when suddenly....I was tagged...after so long. I guess this is my 2nd time being tagged? I wish for more. Why? At least I've got somethin new to type other than words and everyday things and also I can spark interest for her to read. Rite?

So here it goes...

The person that tag/ pass me this is ?
My little angel

The relationship between him & her is ?
She's my guardian of my heart

Your five expression of her & him is?

The most memorable he/she have done for you is ?
Takin care of me when I am unwell outside. And givin me her soft feathers from her wings of love.

The most memorable he/she have said to you is ?
I love you the most.

If he/she become your lover you will ?
I will give my heart and soul to her. Btw, she's already my lover.

If he/she become your lover , thing she/he need to improve on ?
None please! I love her for who and what she is. She's the perfect angel to me. Please don't change baby...

If he/she becomes your enemy, you will ?
Still make friends with and get close. Bcoz I still love her. If it doesn't work...byebye world...

If he/she becomes your enemy , the reason will be ?
Most probably would be bcoz of my angry face.

The most desired thing you wanna do for him/her is ?
Love her, make her smile and bring joy to her life.

Your overall impression on him/her is?
She a very warm and caring person. Once she puts her mind on somethin, she'll complete it. I love her the most too!

How do you think the people around you feel for you ?
They feel like lame-ing with me or just be friends. Most probably think I'm weird too.

The characters that i love about myself are ?
I'm a joker and I'm a person that is born to love someone.

On the contrary , what about the characters i hate about myself ?
My anger self. Most people get scare of me due to that very reason.

The most ideal person you want to be is ?
A very good friend, boyfriend and world best husband!

For people that love, care and concern for you, you say something to them ?
Thank u all for your lovin support for this past 17 years of my life. All of u hav made an impact in my life that doesn't hurt much. I love and will always be concern for all of you. But for my baby, a little special for her too.

Pass this quiz to 10 person that you want to know they think of you, they are?
4.Chee Kian
7.My sis

Who is no.6 (Hailmi) having relationship with ?
Me. bcoz we are both friends in a friendship kind of relation. Just kiddin. He's single. So girls, he's still vacant!!

No. 9 (Shah) is a Female or Male ?
Wait...let me check the below... he's a guy a rite.

If No.7 (Sis) & No. 10 (Khai) is together, will it be a good thing ?
No!!! He's a stalker!! No!! And I don't want to be his brother in law.

What is No.2 (Saifullah) studying about ?
Computer network security. Just a rough summary.

When is the last time you speak to No.3 (Syed) ?
2 weeks back.

What kind of music band No.8 (Kaile) like?

Does No.1 (Chuan) have any siblings ?
Yes. And a fierce guradian angel that guards her skilfully.

Will you woo No. 3 (Syed)? I know he got the look and charms but er....he's just my gender (meaning he is of the same gender as me and I only love one person only)

How about No. 7 (Sis)?
Ack!! NO!! Thats suicidal and its.. EEEEEEEE!!!!! She's my sis for heaven's sake!!

Is No.4 (Chee Kian) single?
Ah, yes. Another one. Anyone interested? I can help.

What is the surname of No.5 (Hidayat) ?
Do we even hav one?

What is the hobby of No. 10 (Khai) ?
Stalkin girls! Just kiddin. Playin soccer.

Does No.5 (Hidayat) & No. 9 (Shah) get along well?
They don't know each other.

Where is No. 2 (Saifullah) studying at ?
School. Singapore Poly

Talk something casually about No.1 (Chuan) ?

Have you tried developing feelings for No. 6 (Hailmi) ?
Nothing more than just a friends and family kind of feelings.

Where does No.9 (Shah) lives at ?
You very kepo one leh! Everythin want to know. Woodlands.

What colour does No.4 (Chee Kian) like ?
Green is one of them.

Are No.5 (Hidayat) and No. 1 (Chuan) good friends?

Is No. 7 the sexiest person in the world ?
No. My Baby is. Really.

What is No. 6 doing now ?
Shud be doing homework or sleepin.

posted at 9:59 PM

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hi!! A little nervous bout tomorrow's class. Coz of my hair... just 6 moredays to tahan and I'l make it! Hope my teachers can be patient with me if not.... I hav no choice but to not attend that particular class until my hair is straight. Nothin much to type actually. Just wanted to add that when I was takin 78 to go home, one passenger talked to me in Myanmar language bout goin to an area and I was like '-'? Then he asked, "are you Myanmar?" I replied, "No. I'm a Malay". So he went @_@ after that. He ended up askn the bus captain where's the place. Hehehe...

Wah...I miss my angel already...a day together, a night apart. A sweet voice is heard and receive, a touch of body is absent. Thats how I feel durin conversation on the phone. I can hear her sweet, angelic voice but I can't hold when I want to as her soothin touch and voice moves in my memory as I recall back after I meet her each day...I miss her...

Ok..ok...enough mushy stuff for now. This is not suitable for those who are not into this kind of romance life. Just kiddin. Think I'll stop here. I was hopin to see her online but I guess she's asleep. Chiao!!

posted at 9:40 PM

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hi. I just drop by to just say how I feel currently. I have a confession to make and that is I am a JERK... others may not see this but I have to admit that what I do at times do labelled me as that and I can see that... this time...I really have crossed the line... you remember the time when I mention to you that I would try my best not to hurt her? I've failed that and I've failed to keep my promise to you and makin her happy always... I really love her... I just don't know what else to say... I've done it and she have all the rights to make her decision... apology and words of love have no rights for her to hear from me for the time being as I am a jerk that hurt her...but what ever the decision may be... I have one finally thing to say but I know that this may not change a thing... I really love her with all my heart and only her alone...there's no other in my heart and I'll do what ever it takes to be with the one that I love...I'm

Things are startin to get down on me this days like teachers complainin bout my hair, request to cut them, friends and studies are some of the factors thats bringin me down lately. Some teach even commented bout my hair and labelled me with a friend of mine good boy and bad boy and he purposely grouped me together with him just because of that reason...not that I really care bout the comments they make but the constent pesterin of havin my hair cut is drivin me nuts...haish...just one more week left before I cut and look at this amount of obstacles...oh ya, I forgot to mention that he did mention bout other students havin long hair too but the reason why the DM and other teach never pester them is because they find that hairstyle either neat or me, such thing is what we call biase...

How I wish I could apologise to her and speak to her again...I hope I will get that change and she ought to be angry that the moment...I miss her...pardon me but I seem to tearin rite now...I'll take my leave. Gomen...

posted at 7:24 PM

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yosh! I'm back again!! My prepaid credit expires today at around 12+AM but the weird thing is I can still receive sms but now I've already top up so have no fear. I can now call and resume sms again. You don't no the trouble I hav to go through to get that amount in one day from mum...hehe...just a little politeness (which I am) and bargain a little too helps. One more week till I rebond my hair and I hav a whole list of challenges I hav to face to maintain this hair length of mine. Ain't easy you know. I've tot of a method that is by pushin my sideburn behind my ear and my fringe to one side. At least that makes me look slightly neat.

Oh I forgot to mention yesterday that DJ Max Clazziquai Edition which is DJ Max 3 in other words. So for DJ Max fans out there, do get them as an add-in collection. Video graphic and music are gettin better. Really. The game is great and they hav a few songs from DJ Max 1 and 2 inside so you won't be that bored with all new songs over and over again playin. Friday I may not be havin class, again. It depends on my teacher. If all goes well, I won't be havin class. If not...class as usual then. Oh look at the time!! Need to go now. Chiao!

posted at 10:59 PM

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A little news flash to begin with. With a greetin of course. *Ahem* Good evenin people. At 9 somethin, a boy named "me" hav caused a massive destruction of laughter on his sis durin dinner. Maybe I shud just say it in plain English. Just now when I was havin my dinner, I began to dance a little bit to entertain my sis and myself but yea...ended makin both laugh but I had to stop coz the food was callin for me. Not literally please. So half way eatin, I start to get bored so I tot why not I crack some lame joke to my sis and I did. Trust me, the result was GREAT!! My sis couldn't take it that she spill the whole drink that was inside her mouth like merlion. hardly see that happenin these days but yea, I had my fun and she was ok with too. So no harm done. *Phew*

Now let's move on to wad happen durin class. A few f my classmates manage to owned me in CAD drawin but I manage to OWN them back by two drawings! YEA!! Oh, another shockin thing is one of my classmate is a fan of Gackt. Very shockin to me since she doesn't listen to one in front of us. My next big project is to gather and seven of my old friends together to hang out once again on December but I hav only confirmed with two people. One reason I'm doin this is bcoz I miss them but not as much as how I miss her though. Don't get jealous ah you guys. The other is everyone is wonderin when we all can meet up again plus I'm makin this for Thac also. He's leavin soon guys...I'm plannin to tell the rest bout my plans maybe latest by this weekend. I just wish everyone is able to make it. It is important. Places to go I hav not tot of yet but that depends.

I'm goin to stop here. Miss...nevermind. You ought to be sick of hearin it too many times but I'll still say it again. I miss her alot!! Gah...yes yes...I admit to wad she said on the tagboard, miss u alot!! I think I'll stop here or else I'll never shut up. Hehehehehe....peace out. Chao!!

posted at 9:56 PM

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

GGGGGGAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so lonely at home now...not a single soul is at home...had to eat alone and my only company is myself and my music... T_T did u miss me? Don't think you do. I really hav no mood to even do some lame statements or lame jokes... I miss her too much already that's why and missing someone too much can be a good thing too coz that makes you remember bout the person always... make things worst I won't be meetin any time soon either especially on Wednesdays and Thursdays due to my dismissal time which is at 6!!

It occurs to me that I seem to have nothin much to talk bout today. Oh! My class ended at 9 today which is 3 hours earlier than the official release time. Tomorrow's situation will be that I won't have my Life skill class but still, class will still ends at 6. Think I'll stop here for now. Sorry bout that. I just need to relax a bit I hope.

posted at 8:18 PM

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

YYYYOOOOOSSSSHHHHH!!!!! Been a long time huh? Wait, more like a VERY long time. Most of the time I forgot to blog AND connection error. So its no only one reason hor!! Hehe... Since my connectin currently is perfect so I take this opportunity to speak to you. A lot has happen but thats too much to talk bout so I'll talk bout recent ones only.

I feel like a hero today. Why? Good question. I saved a fallen, helpless, tiny teddy bear that has fallen off its owner's hand while they and us were walkin across the traffic light at Paya Lebah station. Noone saw it except me so I picked it up to pass it back to the owner that is a teenage girl with her group. She looked so shock to see it on my hands and not hers. Haha... I saved someone's day! Initially we were suppose to do our group project but our dearest chairman did not attend school for unknown reason. Mayb he turned himself as a chair instead in class? Hehe..just kiddin.

You know, some people find me lame, some find me cool, some find me cute (this I'm not certain why,only girls notice this in me btw, I did not self proclaim myself that), some find me handsome while some find me in school or find me at home but I've just find out that one person finds me as an ALIEN!? When I asked my friend why he said so, you know wad he replied? "Beacuase your fingers curls up like alien like that."
Then I was like... -_-' "is that a compliment sir?", with a cold face just meant to strike fear to him!! HAHAHA!!! It did work but I had to be onest with him after that.

Due to the chairman absence, we could not carry out our plans so I hang out with my two other members that is Hailmi and Khai. Went to top up my EZ-link card with bus consession and proceed to Mac to have our lunch. All the way Khai kept on sayin "its rare to see you hangin out with us" and "habis...he have drink that ice lemon tea. There he goes again". We had the same set of meal which is MacSpicy but the only diff is that Mi is the meal only while Khai add Apple pie (phew..) and me, nuggets.

Ended up havin stomachache for me and Mi. Walk around NTUC for a little while and trust me, havin me and Hailmi along is enough to create havoc in any Supermarket by just talkin and lookin at the items. Got drench under rain while waitin for the traffic light to go green. Khai and I nearly ended up dead to a sudden turn of 14 foot long lorry and a car when the green was on and NOT flashin from behind us. Thank god!! Need to be more careful and trust the white man (Hailme wearin uniform) next time and not the green man.

One more tip guys before I end. Remember to move around to avoid the rain in an open area by just walkn around in random direction coz thats wad Hailmi suggested while we were waitin for the traffic light to turn green and thats wad both of us did. We both look like idiots dancin and trust me, that didn't work. Hehehe... but it was fun! That's all that matter. *sigh* Missin her rite now.... oh well. See ya some other time! Chao.

posted at 3:23 PM