Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hello!! EH!! What happen here? I see that I have new "stuck" visitors town. Hello!! Make yourself at home! OH!! And whats this? I see my baby post somethin below this post. Wait a did sneaky and cunnin as a cat I see! Just kiddin!

Thank you baby for helpin me change the blogskin. I really appreciate and love it! Yuppu! My baby's the one that helped me to find this skin along with a few others in a hundreds. Its like findin a thread in a haystack! One thing for sure is I'm grateful for her help and I admire her outstandin effort of tryin to find a suitable one for me. Thank you baby!!

posted at 1:12 AM

Friday, January 30, 2009


i am not naz~ aha.. i helped my baby change the blogskin cos i didnt like the previous one..

remember? the gundam one..

so i looked through 400+ blogskins O^O"

and found.. ard.. 4-6 blogskins.

4 went in to the finalist..

and the winner is this current blogskin. :DDD

i thnk he's most probably aslp now.. since he got sch later on..

wonder will he notice that i actually blogged this.. hmmmmmm...~

oh well! lets see!

bye bye~

posted at 2:27 AM

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I've been under a lot of stress lately though I best not to bother you with it. I may seem fine on the outside but inside...I'm hiding it from the surface of my emotions. How I do it? Easy! Just act carefree and blur. Thats me though day by day I'm the one thats killin myself slowly... by far there's only two things that's really botherin me so much...How I wish I can live in my own fantasy of happiness where the only thing that I wish is that I can live in total happiness with not much worries...hehe...lame isn't it? Here I am doing the only think that I can do and only do...that is wishing and hoping... but is that good? I myself do not know or understands this simple question.

All this while I've been comfortin myself with lies that I want to see and hear. Those lies that will calm my mind but for how long am I going to continue? Truth is I don't even like my own self at times. When someone or somethin better happens...I tend to degrade myself by mockin at myself for being less than that of who or what I saw and hear. I once heard that I, alone, is enough for I am better and the best in that person's eyes but what happen to that now? People change and yes I agree to that because everyone matures each day but sometimes certain things are best kept untouched...

Momotaros from Kamen Rider Den-O once said to Ryotarou that even if he is to dissappear in the near future as he continues to fight, all he cares is to protect those of the present time, which is now. But can I be that strong? I mean I don't want to protect my present time as in fightin someone. Maybe spendin more time with those that I truely love and treasure? Or maybe I should improve myself and show that I'm the best? I don't actually...I need guidance and thats what I think I need.

I'm sorry to have list my thoughts and deep feelings of "I don't know what to place here" that may trouble you. Please don't take it to heart as I'm not directin this to anyone. I'm just sayin because its hard for me express of pour to others without havin to hurt or trouble them so thus, I tend to keep things to myself and act happy.

As a side note:
-no matter what the future may hold for me and those around, I wish to be with you forever...

posted at 7:40 PM

Monday, January 26, 2009

As promised, I've revert back to usin an old blogskin of mine. Not really mine coz I'm not the one who made it. Why I did not use a new instead you ask? One reason is because I'm too lazy to find one while the other is that I prefer usin old ones that are still perfectly nice like this one.

This boredom is killin me!! I am so FREAKIN bored to the extend I can't even sleep because I don't feel content enough to sleep! Thats why I'm still awake rite now. Noone was at home until 1AM+ and I can't even go out with anyone coz it was a new year's eve...everyone is busy or unable to go out due to reasons I'm lazy to list down...damn... I been CS-ing the whole time, playin DS, eat and slept for a while in the afternoon. And now today has come I wonder what expectable outcome is goin to happen that will surprise me and make my day...and here I am suppose to think of a place to go later on in the afternoon or so but nothin is, freakin, enterin my mind since 10PM yesterday!! GAHHH!!!

I'm not even makin an effort to sleep for later I will be goin out. What am I thinkin!? An honest answer is that actually I might not only be bored rite's also because I miss my baby and wantin to see her again the whole of yesterday. I don't know whether will be able to make her happy later since I'm currently in such a depressin state...too many complicatin things are goin on currently and the major one is just waitin to unfold and only two of my brothers know bout this... that will wait for another time for I do not want to worry others unnecessary and burden them with. Fear not, it is not bout me and my little angel.

I'll be off to find somethin to do in the mean time...chao....

posted at 3:36 AM

Freakin bored rite now...think I'll revert back to one of my old layout? Get back to ya when I'm done.

posted at 1:11 AM

Monday, January 19, 2009

Got a little bored and did this when I bumped onto it while surfin the net...

You are The Sun

Happiness, Content, Joy.

The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.

Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.

The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

posted at 11:30 PM

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Good mornin to you. I just woke up. Today my class starts a little later. Still haven't bathe yet. I've been viewin around and I can't help it but notice that I have not been here for a long time. First off...I need to shorten the length of my hair. This is important bcoz if I don't do it soon...I might not be able to attend class normally or in peace. Next is I've been watchin kamen rider Den-o and I must say the is great. Unlike other kamen rider series, this one has tons of comedy inside.

How's? my life? Well...I can say it's good for the time being. Except for a few arguments here and there with different people, I can say it's good. ACK!! Look at the time!! Its 7.57 now! Think I'll go bathe now. See you some other time!! Wonder how my little angel is doing currently...

posted at 7:44 AM