Monday, February 23, 2009

*Cryin* ZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T It's the first hour of my birthday and I've made my baby cry!! *smack head against computer table* (I really did this) AAAAARRRRRRRHHHHHHH...the mum just asked me what the hell just happened and to her surprise she saw my little hum over the head. Currently now being question by mum why and what really happen.

(6 mins later) Everythin is fine now but I had to lie to my mum sayin that I tried to do stunts on my comp chair and fallen off. Luckily my mum buy it but hurts like **** even now...but hey, somethin like isn't much as compared to what I did to her emotionally. I just I can concentrate later on during my phase test... just when things are gettin better (to me that is) I had to screw it up... I even screw up yesterday... all thanks to MY STUPIDITY and LUCK!!

How I wish can just turn back time and prevent all that from happen! What can I do now? What should I be doing? Please me a way...a way to make things better... please... I've been sufferrin day and night in silent. I've fallen into an abyss that is so deep that I've not yet found the bottom of it... Someone please help me! I don't want to be hurt anymore either. Please, guide me anyone. I have tried to share with others but it helps only temporary until somethin else happen. I don't know how much more I can take before I break...I just wish to be together again. I've even have forgotten how real happiness is like. I want to feel the softness and happiness of being loved by someone that I love. You can call me anythin you want. Crazy, desperate or whatever you may want to call me. I don't mind because I feel that way too but everythin that you may call me.

I feel so down right now.............guess I'll take my leave now Zan... I don't wanna burden you with such unnecessary stuff bout myself. I'll just keep to myself until some kind soul approach me to ask or help. Sayounara...

posted at 12:20 AM

Sunday, February 22, 2009

You may be shock after hearing this but I er.... I er.... I actually tryin to play Audition back. My character was level for almost 5 years! I haven't not even try the tutorial for my character! So I can be said to hav a fresh yet old character. Thats all for now. Bye bye!!

posted at 9:46 PM

Hello Zan. Just drop to see whether do you remember what is on for tomorrow. You remembered!? Oh thank you!! But in actual fact, I don't really look forward to this year's birthday of mine. Why? Well...let me put it this way. For the past birthdays of mine, I was...single in a way but last year, months after my birthday, God gave me the greatest and most wonderful gift ever to someone like me but I didn't treat His gift well enough this year's birthday I may not have that wonderful gift with me anymore...that's why I am not lookin forward to it. It hurts me thinkin back bout what I did all this time. I was so stupid at some point of life but I've realise that but maybe... just maybe...its too late...

I don't why but day by day I'm being hurt in the heart. Not by others but mainly by me. The thought of regrets, wishin things like this wouldn't hav happened, wished that I was much much much more clever last time. Wished that I didn't do such to hurt the person I truly love...

Talk bout wish, some times I do wish I was perfect. Perfect in every ways possible. Perfect in life, work, ability, studies, love and social life. I also wish that I was a Chinese. But thinkin back, if I was perfect in every aspects of life, that wouldn't be me anymore. All of my friends will not recognise me as a friend. My idiot side of me will be lost forever. Even my funny side! I can't effort to throw my idiotic and funny side of me. THis qualities of mine are what that makes people laugh when I react to things that I do or say. It's what othres love bout me. Bout the other wish? Well that's a secret. Bout my birthday wish? If I tell you it will not come true now will it? Hehe... I wish that God will pardon me of my actions and give me a chance to bring joy to her once again and also for God to bring us both closer, happiness and love to us.

posted at 4:11 PM

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hello! How are you? I'm fine thank you. Just a little hungry thats all. Hehe..You know, I used to typin "who are you" instead of "how are you" to ask the person how is he or she is doing currently but that error of mine has been fix becaues I always read to check most of the time. Its been a long time since I'm able to hang out with Sai, Hamster and Kel as a group and that opportunity came because I was plannin to pass Sai's thumbdrive back to him and Hamster was with him from the start while before that I met with Kel first while waitin for Sai. Had a great laugh from jokes here and there and I must say that yesterday was an eventful day.

We all were paranoid over insects that were climbin up my legs some times while the other was I got shocked and stunned after seeing a cat ran pass me while I was makin a turn and the cat almost hit my left leg. At that moment the only thing that went to my mind is that I was goin to hav a severely injured left feet due to the cat scratchin or bitin me to get through my leg and all tohse stuffs that were in my mind at that point of time seems to be lost. It was a terrifyin close encounter. Next is whereby Sai pointed to me a roach that was just nice in between us while we were walkin and I was petrified yet again due to the incident before and I nearly jump but instead I just randomly move my left leg. You should hav been there to see it and you would hav laugh along with us, includin me. Its been so long since I had such experience. It was thrillin. Only God knows how much I've miss her. Plannin to call her but then again...I'm afraid I might disturb her sleep. I hope everytihn will be ok and back to normal like usual. I miss those times too.

Think I'll go prepare my mattress first and play my DS to kill time in the meantime. Its always good to hav company around. Hehe...arigatou, Zan.

posted at 12:40 AM

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day dear friend!! are you feeling? Great? Thats good. I tot of droppin by for a while to accompany you and share some thought that's in my mind currently. This valentines day somehow have opened my eyes and made me see the importance of the people in my life. Be it my family, my friends and my baby girl. How important it is to treat them with respect and friendliness and not take things for granted or with much anger. I am sorry for all my past mistakes to all my friends and I don't mind if I am not forgiven or given another chance to redeem myself because I do make the same mistakes sometimes. I'm thinkin of going around to meet my friends later on if they are not busy to really explain to them how much they mean to me and I'm sorry for all my wrong doings in the past and not so past no mater where they may be today.

Why am I going through all this trouble just to explain myself and apologise? reason is to show that no matter the distance or obstacles that I may face later, I am willing to seek them to apologise and ready for them when they need me anytime as a thanks for being so patient with me and being my friend or being someone special to me. The other reason is to show my sincerest feeling to all of them. To show them that I'm willing to change for the better and the best for their happiness and also, for my angel's happiness too.

I've made life difficult for many peolpe but most of is to my mum and my baby. They were so patient to me. Always there for me and forgivin my mistakes even if I repeated them without knowin but I didn't reply it with kindness at times and at times I took for granted and never really consider the trouble I've caused them and their feelings deep down. The stress that I've given them all this apology alone isn't even. Not even a thousand years of apology is enough to show them that I'm really sorry for all the things I've done.

Somehow I've been abusing the use of apologisin too. Keepin on sayin sorry each time I did something wrong. HOnestly I wanted to do more to ease their pain. More than just apologising. A gift isn't enough too. What can I do to show my appreciation to them and that I really care for them and I'm willing to do anything to get her back if things goes wrong? I wanted to seek help from others but I can't face them now after all I've done to them like scolding them, being harsh to all of my precious friends around me. I am one of those pathetic guys out there but even so I've realise my mistakes. Will my friends ever forgive me? Will my mum be happy that I know that I've realise my mistakes and willing to go an extra mile to redeem myself and that everyone is always important to me in my heart and soul? Will my baby ever forgive me this time? Will I ever get her to accept me and that I'm going to change for the better right now? Will I ever get my angel back into my arms, into my heart? Will God forgive me for all the wrong doings that I've done to His greatest gift that is my baby? Will He accept me apology and my admits and give me a second chance to correct myself to very single one of my friends, family and my baby?

God,will you forgive me and give me another chance to amend my mistakes? Mum,will you forgive me? Guys and girls, I'm truely sorry and well aware that apologisin may not help and I'm willing to do anythin to ease all the pain I've done. Baby Girl, will you forgive me for being self-centred at times and idiot on another time? Will you give me another chance for me to correct myself and prove to you that I'm really,truely and honestly love you and that I'm willing to change to make you happy? Will you love me still? Can I amend my mistakes that I've done to you and ease your pain? Can you guide me along the way as I grow with you? I am so sorry baby! Everyone, I'm truely in your debt and I'm really sorry! I don't blame you guys if you all of you are going to have doubts in me but I will and must do my best to amend my mistakes and bring joy to everyone! This is a promise made to my heart and to everyone! Please, please everyone, please stay with me in my heart and guide me! I won't be angry if you guys don't want to because I've realised what I had done to make you guys choose that decision and I'll be happy with.

I'm sorry to have put everyone under this pressure and difficult time. I'm not going to force anyone and I appreciate if everyone can feel at ease and make a decision. I will be happy for all of you and the decisions that you've have made no matter how long it takes. Lastly, I am grateful to all my friends (Lalah, Yat, Kai, Kel, Chick, Hamster, Thac, Hailmi, Shah, Khai, Es and Daniel), my family (mum, dad and sis) and to my special someone (my dear baby girl and my angel of my heart) for being there for me and being so patiet. Even my tears that are rolling down now isn't enough to recover the hurtful feelings that all of you have gone through. I deeply regret my actions and I'm going to change and amend those mistakes even if it is too late for me in some people's heart. I am grateful to everyone. ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! PLEASE, FORGIVE MY ACTIONS AND GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE AND BE WITH ME AS A FRIEND, A FAMILY AND AS MY LOVER! I AM REALLY SORRY!!!

I will greatly appreciate it if all of you who have read this kindly reply your thoughts on my tagboard or sms me. I love you all! Thank you!!

posted at 1:23 PM

Friday, February 13, 2009

Today was yet again one of my worst day goin out...and I bet tomorrow will be no different either... Well, I went for Hao's BBQ today and from the beginning which is during the time I met the rest of the old group all the way till we left the BBQ I received many negative stuffs... And one think for sure is that I don't understand why I was havin a very low self-esteem and angered so quickly...It's not really me that kind..

The first thing that stared to get me a little upset today was the time where I was pushed aside when Kel and the rest came at the school gate. Next was when I got scolded by Hao for accidentally bringin along two of my friends to join in last minute. The followin thing is that kai made me look like a helpless guy by not servin her with anythin just yet and he helped me to do it which really made me see myself as a pathetic as a guy... next is the time where the rest took turns to play "Left 4 Dead" and she sat at almost every time beside the person's arm rest part of the chair except mine and I felt left out once again so I chose the most pathetic option to accompany Xiang and Kai with a very reluctant happy face.

Next was the time where she received an msg and said, "It's personal" to me went I accidentally look at her phone thinkin she was browsin thru only...that really gave me a very bad impression and suspicious of her. The other time was when Yat was bullied to being thrown into the pool and two ppl wanted to video him and I felt really bad for him seens he willingly accepted the offer of being thrown but others are takin advantage of it and seein him without proper clothin to the ladies...Last but not least is the time whereby we all wanted to go home and I was thinkin of talkin to her again but then she kept close to Kel and leavin me no choice and bad feelin to interrupt both of them so I choose to talk to Lalah and Yat though both of them notice I wasn't talkin sense and ignorin the people behind but I just don't want to disturb the others behind. Also the part that hurts me was the time she wanted to go home alone...that really show that not only am I a jerk of the day but I'm also an ass of the day! Congrats Naz for your disgraceful achievements today...

I know that all this points above are not to be angry with but I just don't understand why I was behavin that way and also behavin like a jerk in front of her by ignorin and hurtin her emotionally...I could be feelin rather jealous. And I'm the direct and honest kind of person and I don't like to hide things from her cause "there's no secret among us" as what we both promised before to each yea...mayb I was fellin jealous that resulted in me becomin angry... shit la... I'm a jerk that deserve beatings and slappin from her and the rest of my old group...please...

posted at 11:45 PM

Monday, February 9, 2009

Yosh yosh yosh!! My birthday is still far away and yet I've reach a present yesterday night. Shockin huh? Honestly speakin I don't expect to receive any presents from last year onwards because technically I'm kinda old and most people around me ain't those kind that will make a big deal out of my birthday so thats why purposely have no high expectations of receivin presents but I thank those that had given me before. THANK YOU ALL even to those that given me cards and friendship! I'll cherish them my whole life!

Bout the present, I receive a gift for Kaile and it's a Naitomea new single! "Naked Love" is the title. Pictures will be up soon. Of all the gifts that I had receive over the years, I have receive the world's greatest gift and the best gift of all that anyone could ever wish for in their life and that is a gift from God that I am able to know and be together with my baby. I thank God day and night for this great gift and I've been loving her more and more for each passin moment of time. I will cherish and treasure her forever and will never play around or break her heart because I love her so dearly and so much. She is like an angel, from the heaven's sky, sent by the heaven to care for me and as given me a chance to love a goddess of beauty, cuteness, caring and gentle in the heart that she could make a stone shines and glitters like diamond. Baby, I love from my heart and soul. You are the one and only tha I truely love. I love you baby!

Some of the contents inside the CD case:
A card photo of Ruka and a preview photo of an anime.

A photo of the current costume for the the band for this single. Its inside the CD cover.

The whole content. A CD, CD case, three info flyers, one piece of paper that I do not know of, a card photo of Ruka and an anime photo.

Both pictures above and below are the same. Its the CD case before opening it.

posted at 12:19 AM

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Its a first for Lalah to ever tagged me but er...Why the Hell is it so F-ed up long!?!? Pardon me for such crude words but I am at my angered state. Not because of a bunch of questions but actually about other unnecessary thing which I find it idiotic and pointless for me to be angry with and don't want to but I still hopelessly feel angered by it...

Here goes the questions...


1. Are you single - No and I'm grateful for that.
2. Are you happy - Fuck u. Does this answer ur freakin question?
3. Are you bored - Things just keep gettin worst...of course I'm bored since yesterday!!
4. Are you fair - Skin wise is no. I'm brown. Attitude wise, that depends *grins*
5. Are you italian - Terima kasih. How's that?
6. Are you intelligent - No. Sadly I'm an idiot and a stupid moron.
7. Are you honest - That's an individual question. Everyone thinks differently of me so I can say.
8. Are you nice - I am not to be eaten even though I'm a pineapple...
9. Are you Irish - No. I'm Italian.
10. Are you Asian - Thats more like it. Yuppu!!


1. Full name - Mohammad Nazree Bin Mohammad Indra
2. Nicknames - Chaotix, Pineapple, baka and many more...
3. Birthplace - NUH
4. Hair colour - Blackish brown
5. Natural hair style - rebonded
6. Eye colour - white with black
7. Birthday - its comin...23 feb
8. Mood - bored with little anger and losin interest...
9. Favourite colour - red and black. Secret fav color is orange
10. One place u'd like to visit - Into her heart and arms please!!


1. Have you ever be in love - yuppu!!
2. Do you belief in love at first sight - sure do!
3. Do you currently have a crush - Nope! There's only one in my heart.
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - *sniff* *sniff* yes T_T
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - yes..and I am not proud of it...its a guilt...
6. Have you ever had your heart broken - I wish I could say no for a perfect love life I had tot of...
7. Have you ever liked someone but never tell them - yuppu but in the end I did tell her.
8. Are you afraid of commitment - A little because I sometimes do make others sad...but I want to be more responsible as a man!!
9. Who was the last person you hugged - My baby!!
10. Who was the last person you said i love you too - My little neko!


1. Love or lust - LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!!
2. Hard liquor or beer - I prefer a glass of lemon tea
3. Cats or dogs - Cats!
4. A few best friends or any regular friends - A few best friends coz they'll stick to u till the end. I hope...
5. Creamy or crunchy - crunchy unless I hav toothy-achey
6. Pencil or pen - pen-cil
7. Wild night out or romantin night in - romantic night in. Because I am made to love and cherish. Like the sky and the beautiful moon on a lovely night.
8. Money or happiness - happiness. Money cant buy everythin. PLus you cant eat money.
9. Night or day - Either one. But more towards night for its lonesme moments.
10. IM or phone - Phone of course! I want to hear her sweet and beautiful voice.


1. Been caught sneeking out - Nope. I never sneak. I tell my parents first then leave.
2. Seen a polar bear - Yuppu but zoo.
3. Done something u regret - Yes...when I anger her or make her cry...
4. Bungee jumped - NNNNOOOO!!! I DONT WANT TO DIE!!
5. Eaten the food that fell on the floor - Yea. It still taste the same. Just need to blow the dust away
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - You mean laughin?
7. Been caught naked - Yes due to roaches in the toilet...
8. Wanted an ex gf/bf back - Nope. I true love one girl and that is my baby. I dont want to lie to my heart anymore
9. Cried because you lost a pet - Nope. All my pets are weird lookin fishes
10. Wanted to disappear - used to.


1. Smile or eyes - Both. She's not complete without her lovely eyes and her beautiful and sweet smile
2. Light or dark hair - Dark
3. Hugs or kisses - Both and with emotions and meanin in it
4. Shorter or taller - It doesn't matter *smile*
5. Intelligence or attraction - Intelligence but I'm thankful that she has both and excel in it.
6. Topman or Zara - Too branded...topman
7. Funny or serious - Funny. Childish and cute!
8. Older or younger - 5 years gap
9. Outgoing or quiet - outgoin but innocent
10. Sweet or bad - sweet but has a hidden tigress inside...MEROOW


1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Once before in a Primary Schl play
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - Yuppu! Care to defeat my record?
3. Ever tried walking on your hands - yup but er...I'm not good as compared to apes
4. Ever been to a rock concert - nope
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team - me wearin skirt? NO!?
6. Ever been on a dance team - No because I wish to only dance with one person only
7. Ever been on a sports team - Badminton schl team in secondary
8. Ever been in a drama/play production - nope
9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley - no. Wads the use of such branded cars?
10. Ever been in a rap video - YO YO!! NO NO!


1. Last phone call u made - just now. My baby
2. Last person u hugged - my baby!
3. Last person u hung out with - Kel n Kai
4. Last time you worked - last year
5. Last person u talked to - my mum to help clear stuff
6. Last person u IM'd - baby
7. Last person u texted - my baby
8. Last person(s) u went to the movies with - the old group but thats waaaayyy back
9. Last person/thing u missed - my old pals but I still miss my baby more.
10. Last website visited - Blog?

ten ppl to do this tag:
1. Baby
2. CK
3. Yat
4. Hamster
5. Wang Yi
6. Someone
7. Anyone
8. Anybody
9. Busybody
10. Humans

posted at 1:18 PM

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Gah...I'm so bored rite now...and alone not to mention. I can't remember how I manage to live alone with much friends when I was in primary till secondary school. Thinkin back really makes me feel I'm a loner when I was in primary school. least later I can meet Kai and Kel for supper. Boy am I hungry. I hope I won't get gastric later while eatin coz that happen often if I hav not been eatin for quite a long time like now? Hehe... worry not. I'll be fine. If not,I'l just lose an intestine of mine which is....hmm...Kel did told me last time bout wad was it? AH!! It's the large intestine if I remember it correctly.

Worry not. I'll be fine. It takes one to starve for very long time like days and often to receive such. By the way, I just wanted to tell you I had a very weird dream will I was takin a failed nap because after that I woke. The dream was about a few minutes and in that dream I saw different people comin into my room to visit m while I lyin down on the bed. Everyone of them was there but they took turns to go in. The weirdest one of all is the last person I saw and talked to which is Shah because I was talkin to him casually when I sudden asked him to help me get up as I havin difficulties and all he cud say was, "sorry ah. You're on your. It's not so hard. Just a little push and you can get up". After that I was awake but I couldn't move but it was only a while. I take it as that he wanted me to try to get up by myself so that I can fight whatever thing was on me while I was asleep or to help me put back my spirit properly. Hmm... I wonder wad wud hav happen if he were to help me... *shivers* I might be *gulp*... you no one la huh.

The other thing that troubles me is that why am I seeing those old friends of mine suddenly. I know I don't miss them but why? Don't tell me my time is *gulp*..up...NO!! Thats not possible!! Lets put it as that they are tryin to tell me that I am not alone. Yes! That shud be it!! Oh yea. I think I shud mention those that did not appear. Here goes, Kai, Kel, my parents, my baby, my sis, my relatives and mi. Yup. Thats all. I'll end here for now coz I got to go. BYE!!

posted at 10:54 PM

I'm goin to be bored very soon. Supposed to go to my uncle's house but I refuse to go in the end after hearin from my mum that only the ladies will be stayin over because the guys will be leavin for fishin. So thats why I opt for stayin at home instead of goin there and be surrounded by females...wads more my female cousins...I'd rather be home then there.

Goin to be lonely soon too but rite now my dad is still home so technically I'm not alone yet. Wad shud I do later? Hmm...the only thing I've been doin lately at home when I'm alone is CS and playin my DS and those have been makin me bored especially CS. I admit playin CS is fun but after a long while you'll be bored by it. Goin to the same area over and over again. Shoot or be shot at. Haish... Please make my life today more excitin or at least allow somethin good to happen... guess I'll be gettin back to my CS later unless a miracle happens and someone will come visit me...

posted at 5:16 PM