Yosh!! How are you? Me? Hehehe... I feel that my brain ain't workin properly for the time being. Hehe.. Want to know why? I accompanied Es and Yasir to Tekka for their lunch. Both of them are my classmates and from the same group too. I already taken my lunch in school and by the time they were eatin i suddenly lost my appetite... got too caught up with things inside my mind and over some conversation I had with both of them inside bus. OH!! Speakin of that! I think someone has taken a likin to me already but it isn't somethin to be happy with. This person has been smilin at me since the time this person board the bus and sittin behind Yasir. The problem here isn't bout the looks but more towards the gender... I know I may look like a girl wearin this hair band but please... a soft-guy was smilin at me from time to time... HELP!!!!
I just reach home. Damn tired right now but I had fun. I went out with Kel directly after I finish my class and both of us didn't go home first because we were wearin school uni until we reach home like now? I met him first at Changi Airport and I arrive there at 5pm. He looks like a bus conductor as he waits near the bus stand. Regretted not takin a photo of him in that area. We then head towards a lift inside the terminal 3 and proceed to second floor and guess what!!?? There was an F1 simulation game there!! Both of us had a go at it but as expected....Kel was glued to it. It was difficult as it was quite accurate like a real vehicle.
The 2nd type for the simulation game. It's really big!!
The other type of simulation. Total of four. Eh? Who ish that person? Hehe... cameraman caught in line of fire.
Yosh! I didn't realise that this week is already the third week of school. Haish... I'm becomin more tired of school. I just feel like not comin for Thursdar class because of PE and Life Skill class but... I will still go because I've made a promise never to not attend class unless I am ill or if there's urgent matters. Oh! Talk bout illness, I'm startin to feel ill too! A slight headache currently with slight dizziness or should I say it is more towards being dizzy. My stomach is givin me problems too. It can seem to digest the food properly.
Hello hello hello!! How are you my friend? Haha.. I trust that you are doin fine for the time being? That's good to hear. Me? Well, here I am goin to tell you of my current progress. It has been a week now and I doin quite ok. Not that well but I can't say that I am doin great too. I'm enjoyin life as it is with my old pals. I still can't really get used to my classmates. No matter how close I am to them, I am always much, much, much more closer to my old friends. Especially to one of them but alas, I shall not mention it as everyone is currently movin on with their own lives, except me. I feel like I'm still stuck in time. Like my time has stop at the moment.
What a hectic day... You spoilt my day you know that!! You little... Why must have enter my life today and irritate me further?! I was enjoy myself, listenin to music and then all of a sudden you flash across my eyes, causin me to feel shocked and annoyed at the same time! AARRRGGGGHHH!!!
What a good way to kill time huh? I really hope this will take somethin off my mind... thanks chick.
I'm feelin down currently. I just can't seem to get her off my mind. It's like the first time I'm being close to her. Like the first time I love her. I just can't seem to stop. I'm tearin but not of joy...it's sad... tears of sadness... If just one wish can be granted, I would wish for her to come back to me... I've tried not to make those mistakes and... and... and cheep cheep is succeedin!! I can do it! I can do it! I can do it... I can... I can... if only I had done it in the past... I could have save this... Come back... come back... come back to me...
Hello. Just got back home. Kinda tired but that's not important. Had fun today. Playin a new game inside the bus, meetin the old group like a reunion before an endin. OH! By the way, I have this weird feeling that today's event is weird. Like it was tryin to cheer me up or celebrate it. For example, when I was sendin baby off, Kelvin started this game of mini soccer by kickin this pellet like candy but it disappeared after awhile. So I thought of usin one of my slipper as a replacement to entertain Kelvin, Lalah, baby and me. It was a good choice. I had fun but sadness kept on clingin onto me.
I've been listenin to this song titled "Stream of Tears (more trance remix)." It was introduce to me by Kelvin when he was playin Maximum tune 3 DX. The song is great. It has no lyrics. The music is sufficient to make you understand the inner feelin. It gives you that that sad feelin while drivin on an empty road or it's like walkin on a road and all around you are strangers that mean nothin to you.
I reach home around 15 minutes ago and I'm really bored right now. I don't think bored is the right word to be use. I don't feel bored at all. Just restless and uneasy. And lookin at the time, I only have 2 days remainin and I have not make full use of it! I'm the worst....
Have you been in a situation where by you have a time limit that may decide your fate? What will you do if that happens to you? Although the time may seem so crucial and depressin, I would rather enjoy it until the end and see the results. I see it as a positive result. That way, I won't be so down just because of what I am thinkin. Good things will come if I believe, do good and be patient.
Yosh! So long no see! How have you been? Great I hope. First up, I finally defeated the guy that uses theory to drive in Initial D street Stage which is the PSP version and currently I'm playin the map that my baby loves to watch. I've been playin Mafia Wars all this while too and also not to mention my current favourite game which is Pet Society. This two games are good but not great. It's fun to play to ease that stress that have been buildin up in one's mind and body.
Yoshiku!! I was clearin up some of my text messages from my current phone which is the Nokia 5300. In the midst of the button mashin, message deletion, I found a lot of messages that I long to see once again. I miss these messages a lot. They are filled with meanings that only the heart can understand.