Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pardon me for my sudden change of topic. Had dust in my eyes that's why.... Actually, I was cryin for a while. Why? Well... let's just say that the reason isn't that important for now. I was under slight depression so I broke down for a while. Hehe... At times, certain things are hard to bear with. But worry not, I'll be fine after a while but I may end up in this kind of state again once in a while. Hehe.. so yea... try not to panic or anythin. A weak person like me... nah... it's nothin. I forgot what I wanted to say... It's difficult... I want to be hold... There's so many... runnin in my mind... so much.... memories... I don't want them... so hard... .... ....

What's wrong with me.... I need... rest... Yea... Maybe I shud rest... But I can't sleep and it's rainin inside this room... Gotta get that umbrella ready. I'll end it here.... It's so difficult to focus and type... when your eyes are watery.. byebye...

posted at 2:52 AM

Yosh!! Hello hello!! How are you? Fine I hope! I'm fine I guess for as long as you don't search me through my eyes to see my heart... *blush* JUST KIDDIN!! Hehe... I went over to my Aunt's house today yesterday to see her new pet kitten but I didn't expect to what my mum said was true bout that kitten. When I arrive, my aunt's place was already packed with my other relatives. So I wondered around a bit to find the little kitten and I was surprise to see it sleepy in the middle of the walkway in my grandmum's room. The room was dark and anyone with a poor eyesight could just stepped over her! Yes. The kitten is a female. The way that kitten sleeps reminds me of how a child sleeps. Stwitchin here and there, rollin up like a ball, wakes up for a while after being shocked by a dream that the kitten had. I wanted to take a quick shot of the kitten's photo while it was sleepin but... I didn't bring my memory card along... hehe...

Other than that, nothin much happened around the house except for my cousins who were flippin over some Poly brochures bout those courses that they are offerrin currently.

I'll continue later... Something's wrong with my eyes again....

posted at 1:40 AM

Monday, May 25, 2009

Heloo!!! Yosh!! Hehe... Yippe!! I don't know why but I seem so happy!! Hehe.. Today, I bumped on to Wei ju. I was walkin back from the opposite bustop when I bumped on to him. We talked for quite a long time. We talked bout how life for both of us are currently, what is he plannin to do in the future, CCA and so on and so forth. It was good to chat with someone like him. He is like the mature kind of person when I talk to him at that time. I learn quite a lot too! Thanks WJ!!

OH!! I also managed to talk to Thachy through phonecall last week on Saturday!! I was with Cr at that time and then all of a sudden, she had this wonderful idea of callin Thachy usin a public phone! Seriously, to me, the idea was brilliant! Even I didn't think bout it until she does. Thank you! I can't forget how happy she was at that time! It just makes me so thrilled and overjoyed to see her so happy and enjoyin herself. Hehe... at least I know that I am always capable of makin her smile in many ways. *peace* Hehe... I even surprised Hamster on his birthday by callin him to wish him a happy birthday! He was stunned when he picked up the phone! Hehe.. Sorry ah Hamster to have shock you to that extend! He was even more surprised to her two voices instead of one! Hehe... See! I can do things differently to surprise or make people happy! That means I'm on the right track!

I'll end here for now ok? I'll continue again later on before I go sleep. see ya!

posted at 9:41 PM

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Was Tagged by Thac and I've done it on facebook and now I shall upload it here too!

1. Where did you take your profile pic?
= Kitchen

2. What exactly are you wearing right now?
=Blue shirt and 3/4 pants

3. What is your current problem?=
I hate this feeling of emptiness a.k.a single...

4. What makes you happy most?
= Bringin a smile to those I care for

5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
= A fact of Life by Fact

6. Any celeb you would marry?
= No please! I rather marry... the person I love.

7. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
= Benjamin

8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?
= Inside bus?

9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
= Yup. A couple of times due to my last time hair.

10. Do you still watch kiddie movies or kiddie TV shows?
= yea

11. Do you speak any languages?
= english, malay

12. Has anyone you've been really close with passed away?
= nope

13. Do you ever watch MTV?
= I do but once in awhile. They are pointless.

14. What's something that really annoys you?
= this ever goin "self-talkin" btw me and myself. One to support and comfort while the other in denial

Chapter 1:===============
1. Middle name:
= chaotix

2. Nickname(s):
= baka, pig, pineapple

3. Current location
= Clementi

4. Eye color:
= brown

Chapter 2:===============
1. Do you get along with your parent(s):
= Not really

2.Are your parents married/separated/divorced?
= Married

Chapter 3: Favorites===============
1. Ice Cream:
= Chocolate but any other flavour I'm ok with too

2. Season:
= (Seasons Ice Lemon tea)

3. Shampoo/conditioner
= any

4. Favorite Thing?
= My devices

Chapter 4: Do You..===============
1. Dance in the shower?
= depends on the song

2. Do you write on your hand?
= hardly

3. Call people back?
= yuppu! Of course

4. Believe in love:
= YEA!!!

5.Believe in God?
= so so...

6. Any bad habits?
= pessimistic

7. Any mental health issues:
= hmm.. not yet currently but if I continue behavin this way maybe I'll have one soon!

Chapter 5: Have You..===============
1. -=:XBONUSX:=-
= HUH?!

2. Sprained stuff:
= nope

3. Had physical therapy:
= nope

4. Gotten stitches?
= In a dream, yes.

5. Taken painkillers:
= nope

6. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling:
= nope

8. Thrown up at the dentist:
= nope and that will be rude

9. Sworn in front of your parents?
= yes but not to them. More like quotin some phrases

10. Had detention?
= Ahh..yes

Chaper 6: Who/What was the last===============
1. Movie(s):
= Fast and Furious 4

2. Three people to text you:
= Hidayat (ITE), Khairuddin and Shah

3. Person you called:
= Chuan ru

4. Person you hugged:
= It's been so long since I last hugged someone... the last person I hugged is her.

5. Person you tackled?
= none

6. Person you talked to on MSN?
= Kaile

7. Thing you touched?
= My mouse

8. Thing you ate?
= Some weird dish my mum made...

9. Thing you drank:
= Water

10. Thing you said:
= Keep going

11. Person you kissed:
= Err... starts with ......

12. Place you went
= Bedok interchange alone


Anyone wants to do can do. Hehe... goin sleep now. Eyes closin already... *yawn*

posted at 1:36 AM

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Baka!! Baka!! Baka!! Baka!! Baka!! Baka!! Baka!! Baka!! BBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Ahem* That baka thingy is meant for me. Hehe... I'm stupid in many ways! Hello~ I find that every Thursday there's bound to be somethin bad that is goin to happen if I am goin to school. Last week the bus was late by ONE FREAKIN HOUR!! And today that bus had a flat tire when *sigh*... I am nearin my school in like 10+ more stops... And in this 2 events, I will always board the same bus with one particular guy. Technically an acquaintance of mine. I know this guy from Hailmi and I personally call him, big mouth. Talk NON STOP and EATS NON STOP too!! Everyone agrees on this point too even Hailmi who will, every time, be sarcastic or just plain agitated by him. I guess I can understand his situation. Back to the topic, the moment I saw him boardin the bus, the first thing I ever said to myself was, "HIM AGAIN?!" The neighbour behind was starin at me for a little while. I guess I spoke a little loud. Hehe...

2 stops later, the bus broke down just nice when I found the song I wanted to listen to. *Poom!!* That was the only thing that I could hear. If you were beside me at that time, you could have laughed your ass off lookin at my face. After I heard that sound, my idiotic side kicked in. There I was, lookin left and right, searchin for signs of fire. I tot it was an engine blow. Guess I think too much! Hehe...the expression I gave was... I think only Lalah and Kelvin have seen that priceless face of mine. Very classic yet rare. Hehe... I alighted at the Police academy with that idiot and the first sentence that I spoke to him was, "ALAMAK!! You see la! YOu board the bus and not even more than 2 stops the bus broke down! Unlucky la you!" He was like O-O "huh?" "I think every Thursday it's like that". Guess he had a point there. And our journey rescuin bus is a double deck bus numbered 9129 E. The moment I saw that bus my eyes went shinin!! Waaaaa~

I don't know whether I should be sayin this but I have kept a number of things away from all of my friends. Like my health and emotions. People always say it's not good to keep it to oneself and I know bcoz sooner or later, it will just begin to eat you up slowly. And in the worst case scenario, one can become crazy. I shall share some with you all. One thing for sure bout my health is that I'm losin weight and my body is becomin more skinnier. My mum is worried, so does my sis actually. But I just smiled it away and eat as much as I can at home. The other thing is, for this one, only Kelvin noticed. There are times where by he talks to me but he had to repeat quite a number of times until I get hear what he said. He got worried and asked me to go check up and asked also whether have I been listenin music quite loudly and I said no. Full blast yes. He gave me that stern look but he soon calm down. I felt proud to have a brother like him. Though an idiot at times (always givin me problems. When he is late, I'm the one that gets the scoldin. Hehe... good times) he does care. I told him that it doesn't really matter as I have heard quite a lot and enough from the world but then he said this, "you sure you heard enough? You sure you don't want to hear that melodious sound? What happen to you?" At that moment I was like.. bout to cry because he saw right through it but I had to hold back becaause he isn't the type that is used to guys suddenly cry in front of him.

The other time was in class. I was havin practical lesson on Wednesday. I was doin fine the whole day. From home to school. My tone was normal. Mix of cheerfulness and fine tone. Not a single sign that I'm hidin anythin and noone saw that too. Then suddenly a classmate of mine just arrive in class and he was late. He sat down and observed what the class was doin. I was talkin to a few of my class when suddenly I noticed he was observe me for a short while and he asked me this. "You ok Naz?" I was like O_O? "Is somethin botherin you?" My tone just changed straight to those low and manly tone (someone once admired this tone of mine). I said, "how did you know? I wasn't even showin the slightest sign that I was hidin anythin. Just behavin normal like usual." Then he said, "I don't know. I thought of guessin you a bit and who knows I got it right *smiles*" I was like, "You guessed?! But that was accurate." Then from there on it didn't really bothered to act as my best act was discovered. After that then others started to notice. Only Es and Hailmi did. But thats quite good. I don't want others that I'm not close to to surround me and bombard me with questions.

So frankly speakin, I am not doing that well. One month had just pass but I'm still stuck. Hehe... Idiot. Naz Naz... But the only person that understands the reason why is currently Yat but I do not want to burden him further as he has someone in mind too. This is the weird thing. Whenever I help him, I felt happy, excited and motivated. It's like, indirectly, it is tellin me to go on, carry on and don't give up yet. And from what I do know is that Lalah, Yat and Kelvin are supportin me currently. I sincerely grateful to them. There was one time that I went into my depressed state and I said somethin to Kelvin. It was quite recent. I think it was last week. I said somethin to him and he gave me a face of disbelief. The only words that came was like, "what? Why? Why so fast? I thought you were...? huh? hmmm..." Then I replied to his words, "what are you mumblin Kelvin? Is somethin botherin you? Is it what I said?"

He assured me that he was ok but just stunned that I'm sayin things differently. We sat down at KFC and I asked him again when he was eatin. I said, "I think I know what you thinkin. You think that I don't like and care for her right?" He snapped in the reply, "no. It's not that. I'm just shocked that you suddenly say it in a way that you givin up or that you are not prioritising her anymore. From last time until now I thought you always prioritise her first? Why so fast like that?" "Oh... so that was what you were disturb by", I said. "I thought you care for her so much? I thought you like her so much also? Thats why I'm stunned now," Kelvin answered back. "Actually... I'm confused. I tried to hide it, ignored it and even pretend but I ended up makin this feeling become much more stronger. So I said that to, so called, make myself feel that I don't feel that way towards her." Kelvin just replied with a little shout, "stupid la you! Why you go think that way? *Laughs* Hahaha... You ar.. why you like that? No wonder la. Funny sia you!" Shocked, I replied, "I'm talkin serious than you call me funny! Then laugh! Friend like that! Good sia you."

"Of course I'm good! Where can you find a friend that can laugh at a tense moment? I break the tension you know. See? I'm a good friend! You don't believe? I tell you that you will soon laugh with me also. *Tried to make me laugh by laughin some more* stupid sia you Naz! "OI!!" "See See see?! You smilin! Come laa. Laugh with me la. Don't make me laugh alone leh! Evil sia!" Soon after that the whole atmosphere became lighter. Hehe... Thank you guys!! Didn't know you guys will do roughly the same as if we were to be in the same boat. That is to be patient. On a last note, good luck with everythin YAT!! You can do it!! If you believe in me, I believe that you can too!! Just be a little patient~

*Yawn*... my eyes are closin. I would like to thank you to listenin. Thank you everyone!! I will do my best and pray that I can. Goodnight!

posted at 11:31 PM

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hello. I had a little shock yesterday. Two actually. First is that one of my 1st year lecturer relief (I think this is how it is being spelled) my class since my original lecturer was busy with somethin (is it even possible to do that?) and the lecturer that took over ismy all time favourite! Mdm Lau!! A couple of my classmates were happy to see her too! Yea!! 2nd was durin the practical. Es was restin his hand on a metallic board that we "clip" or "click" some of the PLC apparatus onto and we switched on the power supply so that the whole mechanical stuff have current flowin through them. Neither do me, Es or Shah knew that who ever rest their arms or hand on the table will cause their whole body to be "live". In other words, current is passin through the person's body makin them feel static when comin into contact with anyone skin.

While he was rest one of his hand on the metallic table, I accidentally rubbed his arm as he was blockin my path a little and all of a sudden I feel a small vibratin movement on my skin as I slide pass him. I was stunned and I tested it a few times to see whether my theory was correct and it was. Out of the blue I shouted at him in a panic voice tellin him not to do that again as he may harm himself if he were to continue in that posture any longer. Gladly he understand me and moved away from it. Nothin much happen in school after that. I can say it's kinda boring for the time being. I wonder what will be in store later? Don't worry, I'm not dyin to find out. Hehe...

Had a painful headache in the evenin for quite some time but now it isn't that painful as compared to when it first came. I think it's due to too many stuff kept in my mind or because of the rain that showered me when I alighted from my school bustop. I just hope I don't get fever or fall ill with any sickness for the time being. I don't like the feelin of havin high fever. So dreadful!! Hehe... Other than that I guess I'm fine. I thnk I'll stop here. I'm not goin to sleep that soon yet. Maybe at around 2.30? Promise!! Okok.. Byebye!!

posted at 12:47 AM

Monday, May 18, 2009

Hello~ School startin already.. So soon! Haish... At least class starts at 12 today and ends at 4. I'm goin to make my first quiz on facebook soon. Like, in a few minutes time after I'm done bloggin? Hehe... I don't think many will get above 60% coz not that many people knows me well unless they are as close as my old group. Just as long as noone gets 10% and below will be fine. If some do get below that... I'll be sad... T_T

Well, there's nothin much to talk bout for the time being... OH!! I managed to talk to her! I was surprised (she never fails to either shock, surprise or scares me) that she missed called me last night because I thought that she might have been asleep. I will never forget the feelin that I felt everytime I talk to her. It's so wonderful. No matter how stressed I am or how quiet I may be throughout the day, she always makes me happy and cheerful and able to keep on talkin till no end but at times I do get carried away. Hehe... gomen gomen. It's always great to see her smile but it has to be a sincere smile. I will do my best to make her happy as that is the only thing that I am capable of at the moment but the feelin I receive to see her smile and be happy is much rewardin enough to me. I know I am an idiot at times but hey! I'm doin a good deed! hehe...

Well... I just hope that everythin will go smoothly... I do know that I can't hide it forever and I think she can tell that I still harbour this feelin for her just that I don't want to say it yet. So for the time being, I'll keep on doin my best to make her happy and be there whenever she needs me and also to just pretend and hide this feelin for a little longer. I find myself in a weird position because here I am supportin yat and at the same time he too is supportin him but fear not yat, I am not the only one who is supportin you currently. Lalah and Kel too, are supportin you! Ganbette nee!! You can do it!! I think I'll end here for now. Need to start on my quiz. See ya later! Byebye!!

posted at 1:05 AM

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Good evenin. I'll be sleepin early tonight so hope you are not shocked. But on the other hand... I don't feel like sleepin. It's not really that I don't feel like, it's more like I don't want to sleep because I am afraid of the dreams that I hav been havin for this past 2 weeks or so. The dreams that I am havin aren't nightmares. It's a very wonderful dream but I ended up tearin every mornin directly after I woke up or in the shower. It just flows by itself. It's like, somewhere deep inside, my heart is still beatin a steady beat that is enough of control my tears at will of it's own. This dreams are becomin more frequent and stronger in terms emotional feelin. Why? That's the question I've been askin myself everytime. I know that she is still in my heart but why in dreams? Is it because my heart wants me to feel it in a dream as I can't achieve it in reality or is it tryin to say that there's a meanin in those dreams? Or is it tryin to say that I am not doin anythin at all for somethin to happen or is it tryin to say that I am too stupid? I don't know... I've been keepin this to myself for so long... I wanted to tell to others but I dare not. I wanted to tell her this too but I fear it may be bad so I just keep it to myself. The only one that notice is cheep cheep and my mother. Don't worry, my mom wasn't angry at me at all. She said that I miss her too much and that I wanted to see her so much because of school.

From my mom's expression... I think that she is beginnin to accept her but she does not know. I don't want to tell her what had happen just yet but I'm afraid that she might receive the same reaction as my sister. I can say that my sis is not so close to me now. Even when I joke around with she will still laugh like how she normally does but when we are talkin normally, it seems difficult. I can see in her eyes that she too, cares for her because everytime she ask whether am I still solo or have I patched back, her eyes seems to be expectin a yes kind of answer but I told her everytime that I am still waitin for the time that I am really ready. Patience everyone who are supportin me. Please hang in there a little longer. I don't know what the result may be but if I fail, just smile for me and hold me tight. I will need that strong sence of... I don't know how to put it. Friendship maybe? Ah, somethin like I guess.

Oh! By the way, cheep cheep isn't here today. He is havin a sleep over for tonight. One lucky bird he is. I'm so jealous!!! If only I can be Cheep cheep too!! Haish... Thank you cheep cheep for encouragin, supportin and givin me hope from time to time. Not bad for a little fur ball huh. He can even make others go crazy too! But he will keep still and behave like an innocent little chick when someone is near him. I don't understand this little chick... I think I'll end here for now. It's almost 1am already. Maybe a little shut eyes will do me good. I'll just enjoy those wonderful dreams at will come later. Hehe.. even if I am to tear again... Worry not, it has nothin to do with pervertic dreams to don't anyhow think hor!! Goodnight! (I wish to say this to you but I am only able to whisper in your sleep. you...)

posted at 12:11 AM

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

10 minutes more to 1am. Time sure is movin slowly this time around. Hehe.. Hey, have you noticed that I at times startin to stammer? Well, not everyone will notice it since I'm only havin stammers when speakin to one person only currently. Is it because I'm feelin nervous or is it... cheep cheep!! What did u do to meet while I was sleepin?! Hehe.. just kiddin. But luckily it isn't often. At times only.

I've been testin out the Dragonica game and I can say that the game is great! The first thing that my dad says when he saw the game was "cute". The characters are in 3D but they are drawn in a cute manner. I even got a temporary 10000 cash points free!! I did spend, on a Sasuke set and Kakashi set. Not that bad. But I won't be focusin on that game so much. OH!! I got good news too! For the past 3 days, there had been no sightings of bees or wasps in places that I go to! I'm so relieve! Maybe whoever seen those insects to spy on me gave up or somethin. *Cheep cheep flys and smacks me on the head* OOOIIII!!!! Why you that cheep cheep?! (Because u are a baka to think like that!) Then the queen bee or queen wasp must hav some interest on me or that I am spe... *smacks again* OOOIII!!! (cheep cheep told u not to think like that rite?! Why u never listen huh small boy?) -_-'... I ain't small...

Hehe.. even here I can also argue with cheep cheep.. This small little fur ball friend of mine can really be a handful but he's a good little cheep cheep. But his hyperness is somethin I can't handle.

Hey cheep cheep, have u look outside the window? (For wad? Ohor!! Small boy pervert!! EEEE!!! Look at other ppl windows!! Run!!) It's not that! I mean have look at the night sky. Beautiful isn't it? (Siao thish boy... where can the sky be sho beautiful. Unless u shee girls outside the window... OHOR!! SHEE SHEE!! Cheep cheep kneew u were lookin at girls! Not loyal!! Never keep promise!! Ohor!!) OOOIII!! Don't get the wrong idea la cheep cheep! It's nature's beauty. (But shomethin ish missin that's why cheep cheep don't find it that beautiful plush the starsh are missin.) Yea... (Not shleepin yet ah u? It ish gettin late.) Okok. I guess I'll end it here for now. (Stay tune for more of cheep cheep's appearance!!) Don't steal the show can? (Not shtealin. Takin over! HEHE!!) *Flick cheep cheep away* Byebye!!

posted at 12:48 AM

Friday, May 8, 2009

BEES!! GO AWAY PLEASE!! YOU GUYS ARE EVEYWHERE!! YOU ARE SCARIN ME!! Okok.. *takes a deep breath* I bump onto another bee yesterday when I was inside bus 147 and sittin at the 2nd level of the bus at the back. The bee was from the outside and tried to get in (from wad I assume). It smack itself onto the glass window multiple times and the area that the bee was aimin wasa near my face area. That was the greatest shock I ever receive from a bee in close encounter. I'm beginnin to wonder why are they appearin at places that I go to... hmm...

I had no lesson yesterday so I went out with ES to play arcade. Actually more towards accompany him play. We plan on goin arcade together for quite some time ago but was lookin for a proper time and yesterday was perfect. I meet him at JE first at around 12. We initially wanted to go Suntec but since he asked whether Clementi hav an arcade centre, so we headed here instead. Funny sia! Both I meet him, he was waitin at JE for me while I just arrived Clementi station. He called to ask where I was and he decided to come to Clementi instead but I couldn't here so I continued to wait for the train. When the train arrived, he called me again to ask whether was I sittin down near him as he was already in Clementi station. Just then, he saw me inside the train. We both went (O_O)" so he decided to head to JE back and I waited for him there and we head back to Clementi soon after. We were laughin bout the incident so loud inside the train non-stop until we started playin Maximum tune.

I think ES is now officially hooked onto Maximum tune already. He said twice that he prefers Maximum tune more than Battle gear now. The style of gameplay and the action is better from his point of view. He chose R-34 Skyline as his first car. Not a bad choice I must say. We both tried Ghost battle also. We both got our very first body kit. Mine looks great but as for ES... he doesn't like his because that body kit of his does not have a spoiler. We took 147 after that to Hougang and we parted ways as I board 165 and ES board 161. Oh ya! Along the way, I too photos of some passin cars. I got one R-35, a Ford RS, a couple of bus photos and also some interior photos of a demo 163 bus. That bus was cool plus it is my first time boardin a demo bus.

While I was inside 165, I messaged Kel to ask where he was and he was actually inside the same numbered bus 165 but different plate number and the bus was behind the one that I had boarded. We meet up at Clementi Interchange and took 156 to Sengkang. We had our dinner at Compass Point and soon after that, we board 163 to Toa Payoh and board 143 to head home. I was really in pain as I was havin stomach achey. I head back home straight after I alighted at West Coast market bustop. I reach home just in time plus I am not late! WOohoo!! My curfew is 1130pm but I arrive home at 1114pm. I also notice one thing. I've never came home after my curfew timin for the past 2 weeks, which is an extremely good thing!! Yes! A big improvement for myself! Like this, I will not make anyone angry anymore! See! I can do it! All thanks to Cheep cheep and one more person.

Ahah! Yesterday was also a special day! You know wad so special bout that day? Well, it's the 7th and on this month it's the openin for the Closed Beta Test game session! There isn't anythin special for the closed beta test. Actually it's a secret!'s a special day for both me and cheep cheep! hehe.. hmm... nowadays cheep cheep is kinda too hyper at times to the extend I and those around can't take his craziness like jumpin around, lame jokes and disturbin people and mostly, bullyin me! Just kiddin! Oh! Look at the time! It's 1.25 now. I shall make my way to lala land now. Cheep cheep is soundly asleep soon after he finished talkin to someone that we cared so much. Must be tired. Sleep well everyone! Goodnight!

posted at 12:36 AM

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Heloo. I met with yet another bee this evenin. Haish... I don't know wad's goin on recently but I keep on seein this flyin insects around. It's scary!!

Let's see... what should I talk bout today? Hmm... Oh yes! Tomorrow and the day after that is a special day! It's a 6th and a 7th!! Tomorrow is 6 of May and on this day is the day that the three combos came to know each other. Me, lalah and Chuan. But it's kinda saddenin that one of them can't make it already. Now I am left with askin lalah out but I doubt that he can make it too. School schedule wise. Other poly and ITE have the same kind of schedule. A time table that isn't fix. So it is much more difficult for me to meet the rest but I'll be ok with that. Not being able to meet them isn't as a bad as not being able to meet adsafgdgsffa... CHEEP CHEEP!! How many times must I tell you not to jump on other people's keyboard?! Now apologise!

Sorry bout that. This little fur ball doesn't really know how to sit still. Back to the topic. *Ahem ahem* Yea. So I guess I'll be alone again since my parents are goin out too. I'm seriously leadin a boring life right now. What's on the 7th? Well... let's just say it a day of sweet memories or day of dreams. While I was on the bus headin home, I saw one of the most wonderful thing that can happen inside a bus. There is this Japanese lady carryin two of her children and sittin on the front seats. Lookin at the family seems to cheer me up and the whole bus atmosphere seems more cheerful too! But as I was lookin that the lady who was playin with her youngest child, I began to tear. I think the lady saw it too but I just smiled back instead. Lucky she smiled back too instead of panickin.

I now why I teared at that time but it is difficult to put it into words. It's not because I am sad or overjoyed. It's like the feelin between the lady and her child that made me tear. It's a wonderful feeling. Hehe... Talk bout seein things, I saw a GTR-34 zoom pass me as I was waitin at my school traffic light. It was a white skyline. A sight to behold indeed but as beautiful as an angel though! Hehe...

I wonder if I'm being to hard on her currently. I wanted to talk to her but I have this feeling of scared. At times I even stammer when I am talkin to her. Patience is the only thing I can do. I am not just sittin and waitin only. I am also givin both of us time. For me, I'm givin myself time because I want to be a better person if I can have another opportunity. I don't wan to hurt her again and I can say I am on the road to succeed but I don't think I am ready yet. I would like to thank some of my group who are always givin me their support. I hope I will not turn you guys down! All I can say is that they wants me to continue and wait and I can see they are glad to hear that when I told them that I will still harbour this feelin for her and wait. Maybe it's because they still know that I am still myself or they believe that things will get better after some time. I hope so too guys! (I hope I am not puttin any pressure on anyone. If so, place do tell me)

There are some that takes me as an example too. I hope I won't disappoint you guys. I'll help in anyway I can. Oh! I also made a pact with a close friend of mine too. A promise that we will remain patient and guide each other through as we are both in this together though the person we feel for is a different person of course. Good luck! I see end here. It's gettin late plus my class starts at 8 later on. See ya!

posted at 11:21 PM

Hello! Nothin much happened yesterday. Wait... I think somethin did happen... hmm... OH!! I was, yet again, coincidentally met with this shmall little bee that is buzzin around my sis room when I was singin. I get this feelin that the bees and wasps are attracted to me due to the shampoo that I use though someone told me it is not scientifically proven but in my opinion... I am a livin prove! Just kiddin! I also notice somethin. There's a pattern to their everyday appearance. They usually appear on weekdays and on Saturday. Never on a Sunday. Workin hours maybe? That must be it! Hmm... bees and wasps that works to stalk me on weekdays and Saturday... HELP!!! HELP!!! ANYONE!! HELP ME!!! SAVE ME!!

hehe... I thought I was only a sweet talker but now I'm a sweet guy. Just kiddin. (Cheep cheep beside me is currently about to vomit @3@) Why I say I'm a sweet talker? Other than me being good with words, when I drink plain water and place the empty or filled cup after drinkin a little, ants will start to crawl onto it and drink or swim freely in it. I've tried that with my parents too but they always goes to mine. Scary huh? Not really. Well, thats bout everythin. I just hope I will not have any incident with bees or wasps for tomorrow.

I miss you.

posted at 12:06 AM

Monday, May 4, 2009

I am selected for a closed beta testing game called Dragonica! Yesh!! I've been waitin for the next opportunity to get a chance to play it once again and here I am abled to! I will not let myself down in this game testin session. It starts on 7 May all the way till 17 May BUT, I will not be playin it for 10 hours a day. I can go crazy playin it with that kind of timin. Well thats for the gamin part (I'm feelin so honoured right now).

Two days back, I really enjoyed myself to the fullest!! Thanks guys!! I went out with the old group on that day. Man, the feelin was so powerful that it made me hyper for the whole entire day. A simple poke to my side can cause me to be so hyper and playful! I wish I can have other round of that! Hehe... We walked around Suntec, Bugis and Raffles area. It was tired but fun and enjoyable. If everythin goes well, I think I want to invite all of them again if they have the time. It's great to be together again. Though it was only for a day. Hehe.. It was great to be able to see her once again. That smile of her's really made my day! I'm glad that she was enjoyin herself too! Throughout the entire time I was close to her, I was so overjoyed. The time where cheep cheep took over and I was playin with her was one of those moments that I loved the most. Hehe... Didn't know I was that childish but hey, it was great! Being with her is the greatest thing that I had ever experience. Everytime I look at her, her beauty tends to mesmerise me. Her beauty is that of an angel. No words can ever suit to describe her beauty and heart. She is gorgeous, cute, pretty and beautiful and her sweet smile and sweet voice always melts my heart, brignin a sincere smile deep down in my heart out to my lips.

Lookin at her presence seems like a gifted person lookin at the beautiful night sky and being given the chance to catch a glimpse of an angel, dancin on the clouds. It's a sight that I can never forget. My lips wanted to speak of words to her on that day but I was awed by her. I wanted to be holded by her angelic arms and be wrapped around her soft wings but I dare not as I am afraid. I wanted to make a wish to this angel but words of such are not of this time just yet. She is like an angel that was sent from the heaven's sky. I am very fortunate to have met her. I will cherish her more than anythin. I hope I will be givin a chance to love her once again. But for the time being, I shall wait for the right time and be that person that hopes and pray to be given the chance to see and feel the beauty and affection of an angel to awes those who witness her and bring a smile and warmth to my angel.

Ah, I think I shall stop here for now. Cheep cheep is like currently goin crazy right now. Too hyper I think. Hehehe '3' Bye bye!!

posted at 12:27 AM