Sial la... For now, I wanna tyoe in my own language. Why? Well, I can type in wadever language that I want to plus noone bothers to visit Zan except me and one other bro of mine. Eh?! Bingit la sial! Kerana kau, kita semua tak jadi keluar kau tahu tak?! Kau cakap Friday nak jumpa dengan kita orang semua tapi, kat mane kau sekarang?! Kau bilang dengan aku kau tak free. Kau tak terfikir macam mane aku dan Thac sedang rasa di dalam hati sekarang? Macam mane kau nak fikir. Kau sibuk dengan kawan kawan sekolah kau. Kau tauh yang kita orang semua ni dah tak penting lagi. Jangan buat kita orang begini macam la bodoh! Kalau aku seorang sahaja ok, tapi, kawan kita dari luar negeri dah sampai tapi kau macam tak ambil kisah.
Gah!!! Damn... I feel so stressed out damn it!! What the FUCK!! I don't give a damn bout the use of innocent language for now... just FUCK IT la... My mornin was spoilt all thanks my pessimistic thoughts and a CLASSMATE of mine. YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT THE HELL HE DID?! HE FREAKIN CHABOT YESTERDAY'S GMP CLASS AND TELLIN MY CA THAT HE WAS PAYIN HIS SCHOOL FEES. Which dumb asshole would believe that? YOU TELL ME? Even my teacher DIDN'T fall for it. NICE TRY DUDE. DUE TO UR FUCKIN LIES, NOT ONLY U KENA SCOLDIN FROM TEACH, WE KENA HER BLOODY LECTURE DAMN IT!!
Yosh Zan! Hehe.. I'm ok now. THat image no longer haunts me in my free time. I just pray that that person's soul will be at peace somewhere. With that aside, I can get back on track and focus ahead.
Zan!!! Help me Zan!!! I can't get somethin out of my mind!! I... I... I saw someone died in front of me this mornin in a road accident... The person that passed away was a motorcyclist... I saw him... there lyin down and I can't get that image out of my mind!! Plus now I feel rather uneasy. I don't really know why... my mornin was kinda screw up. My first lesson was SYI and I usually can finish earlier than most people but I ended up being the third last to complete. T_T and I'm hungry rite now!! T_T
Hello~! I'm here to give a short post on my Dragonica adventure! Will update more properly later at night. Hehe.. sry sry! Here you go!
Some photos I promised of Dragonica boss maps.
Hello there. It's been quite awhile since I last drop by huh? Hehe.. I'm fine thank you.. or maybe just a little stress. Okok... you got me there. Hehe!! Today I had no class due to.. err... I don't know the reason yet but I'll ask my class advisor tomorrow morning. *sigh* I really don't feel like goin to school tomorrow... why must there be no school today instead of tomorrow? I even asked my mum if I can just stay home and expect her to scold or somethin but instead she ask me whether was I serious bout it. Hehe...