Friday, August 21, 2009
Sorry Zanzan for not chattin wif you after so long. Blogger was down for me for quite some time. Don't know why. When I try to enter the "new post" tab, the white screen of death appears to haunt me for like... 2 weeks or less? Hehe.. I actually got nothin much to blog bout rite now coz I've lost my mood entirely wif almost everythin that got to do wif life... Sheesh!!! Since when I'm becomin like this?! Naz don't behave this way. He is always cheerful, smiling, joking, helping. But now I like becomin more slacking, lazy, demotivated and like missing my aim in life. Ever since that day, I feel like I'm becoming like Takayuki. Wonderin who is he? I can't tell you the show coz it's too depressin for most to watch. ^3^
Well, at least cHeep cHeep is still cHeep cHeep! That's a sigh of relief~ Oh well, think I'll stop here for now. I think I'll post bout those things that are goin on in my mind by next post and there will be somethings that I have never spoke of or hide from others when I'm sharin wif them bout wad is goin on in my mind. Why? Don't no. Maybe because I don't want to bother them further or maybe it may be too much for them to handle or they never ask me bout those things that trapped in my mind? Hehe ^^v I wonder if there is anyone out there that will ask me this? If there is, I pour everythin to that person. Honestly and sincerely. Without keepin any leftovers inside. Kinda lookin forward to that ^^
Ok ah, I'll chao now! Byebye!!
posted at 10:37 PM
Saturday, August 1, 2009

I wonder just how many of us will remember one another and still remain close to one another as the years goes by? I, for certain will not forget this people as I care so much for each individual but I hardly show it to some. It's difficult for me at times but occasionally, I feel there's a need for me express my gratitude to each of them. One in a different way. I'm still thinkin bout it. I want to make it special and meaningful.
Times have changed but let it not makes us change too. I have realised so much bout myself from all of you that I have never notice about. Sometimes, to even thank you guys seems so difficult that I have to stammer and change to a different topic for hours before I can show my appreciation such as the word, "thanks" to you guys. I must admit, I do get upset and angry over stuffs that concerns you guys like for example, the sudden changes in things that I have not adapt myself to yet, the amount of time spent together and also, priority level towards others. But what I realise is that, this feeling does not come because of hate or extreme anger, it's just that... I missed you guys so dearly. Those times... I care for you all so much that there seem to exist a small child in me that does not want to let you guys go from my sight.
I want to apologise for my childish behaviours, harshness, inconsideration and many more but it seems rather awkward to all of you if I am to suddenly meet up or call you guys just to apologise and thank you all out of the blue. Hehe... I think I'll stop here for today. Before I end, I sincerely thank you all those that have been with (and still do) me all time while and being like a family to me like Lalah. I will never forget you guys and will always be here (and there) for you guys coz you guys mean so much to me than just friends. Old group, bros and ITE friends, this applies to you guys. Thank You~
I don't want us to be part of a memory...
posted at 12:23 AM