Friday, September 18, 2009

Zanzan..... me stressed out alreadie... raya ish comin like in 2 days time.... T-T Plus me mum ish drivin me insane abit... but.. thats not wad really stressin me out. Me more worried bout Naz here coz he has been searchin for somethin here and there for 2 days now but he doesnt want to tell cheep cheep wad ish it. He kept on sayin, "die liao... die liao.. I can't find it... where is it? Die.. Die..." heard he ish lookin for an item that belongs to someone that he once borrowed but now he kind find it as the person ish askin for it back. Pity Naz... Neber mind!! cHeep cHeep ish always here to cheer him up!!

*Smacks cheep cheep away* haish... that little bird. Sorry bout that zanzan. Guess he talked quite a lot bout me to you eh? Sorry bout that. Yes... I'm really worried n scaried now that I really can't find it... I wonder where I put it... hmm.... It's not here in my aunt's house so where can it be... ANYWAY, puttin that aside for now, I went out with ny dad and my little "chinese" cousin (coz he really looks like one except he has bigger eyes llike mine) to West Coast Plaza for a short while to get a book bout Pokemon Platinum guide. I bought for collection purposes bcoz I hav the 1st and 2nd gen. book so this 4th gen is my latest collection and the book is way thicker than combine both the 1st n 2nd gen books together!! There's a lot of data inside includin info bout EV trainin too! Really useful! Now my fav. pokemon is Gardevoir. She's an elegant pokemon. The first lady-like pokemon I ever know. Hehe.. Okok. I'm goin to end here and conti on my search for that item..... I've searched the whole house but still can't find it... haish...

For those who wants to see the book, I'll bring it along the next time I see or meet anyone.

posted at 8:41 PM

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hello!! I'm back!!! Just for a short while again coz my sis's lappy dying alreadie and i dont really no where's the charger *mumbles to one self*... hehe.. I'm doin quite fine for the time being except for health wise. I'm having frequent headaches that can be, at times, too strong for me to even stand up properly. A little worried but I don't wanna go see the doctor. I dont want to worry my parents for the time being. Let's just take it as its was bcoz of stress. Though the frequent amount worries me a lot coz last time it rarely comes.

Puttin that aside, I MISS EVERYONE!!!! I EVEN MISS MY GAMING SESSION TOO!! Startin tomorrow, if anyone from DGN ask me to play, I'll play without hesitation and if I play, I'll play for as long as I usually play! Hehehe... Just need the charger n I'm done. Been playin Pokemon for quite sometime and I hav to say, I quite proud of my team! Hehehe!! Alamak... the batt runnin low... Kacau je la... *translate* Disturb only this thing. Hehehe... I wanna see the old peeps again but not sure whether... errr... can everyone make it this week. I think the rest is busy especially the people that I really wanna see. Alamak... okok.. I'll offline now... sheesh this lappy... Ok la zan, I'll hav to go now. Send my regards to anyone that visits you ok? Thanks u and miss u all sho much!!

posted at 11:14 AM

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hello zanzan!! I miss u!! Did u miss me? No? Oh.... thats saddening... Hehe.. There a lotto update about but I'm online currently only for researchin on pokemon. Hehe.. Just to tell some of u that didnt notice im online that i am rite now. Its 6.39am. Haish... I really miss the old peeps alot especially neko n lalah. T-T

Okok. I'll update fully when i hav the time alright zanzan? Thanks. Hehe..

If I am to be reborn, I want to be a bird...
- Masamune Date aka Azure Dragon (from Devil Kings)

posted at 6:33 AM