Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A lone wolf roaming the desert sand,
In it's search of a wild rose.
A thing of a myth,
It presses on it's lonely journey.

Whispering wind flutters the loner's ears,
With furs blowing to one direction,
It's eyes never lie
To what it's heart sees and senses.

Poachers and hunters loaded up their venom,
In a gun they called Silent.
With wounds of tears the wolf escapes,
He pushes on his lonely trail.

One by one, companions came,
To accompany the lonesome traveller.
They laugh, they sang with words in mind,
But the flower was still in mind.

The time came for truth to be told,
A tale of no joy as words been spoke.
The wild rose was the desire of the beast,
A tale of tragic will soon be seen.

The desert is known for it's trickery,
The eyes sees not what the mind can think.
A beast of strong dreams,
Has soon realise his dreams are illusions.

As ice be melt by the heating sun,
So does one's journey ends in tears.
Where and what is the fate of the beast,
Noone knows about the trust of the beautiful wild rose...

Hehe... so how? I know the this particular text has no connection to one another in any way possible but, there's a meaning to every line that I have just written down. I think I should thinnk of a proper one soon though I'm not really that good with literature unless it's a certain poem that can melt even the coldest ice ^^v. I've been feeling lonely all this while. You know, I'm not really afraid of being forgotten or neglected but I am more worried whether is the there a soul that misses me sincerely... that what matters the most to me. Like for example, I prefer people to care for me instead of being concern for me because being caring means you show a physical act that the physical body can feeling like when if I fall down, someone comes and pick me up. That is care to me whereas if it is concern, if I were to fall, someone will only ask, "are you alright boy?", while I have to pull myself up. See the difference?

I feel like bombarding you with a whole lot of questions because I am in search for it's answers but thinking back, only I can find the answers to my own questions. But, I shall ask you this, do you think that I am a good person? Hehe... II'm not asking to brag bout myself but to actually find out the views of different individual that I know of. There is this friend of mine that asked me once before whether am I for sale and I was stunned coz he asked me out of the blue. I asked him why the post such a question to me and he replied that he wants to buy me for entertainment purposes coz he feels I am better than any games or comedy show. Heheehe... A brother of mine also said that he views as not only a good person but also, too kind a person. Meaning he finds me just way too kind. When I asked him to elaborate a little, he told me I'm always there to help anyone within my capabilities and even that, he finds it amazing coz I tend to push myself further just to help the person. For bringing a smile out of my pocket and pasting it on their lips using my super glue labelled as jokes to helping them in times of need regardless of lending an ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on and also I tend to give more that what is being ask for. An example? Let's see...

In terms of jokes wise... when I see that someone is in boredom or in need of a smile, I'll try my best to cheer the person up with jokes or just casual chat but most of the time we ended up nearly dying due to laughing too hard. Hehehe!! See see?! Hehehehe... but then, after asking them this, I will ask them another question, is it a good thing that I am this kind of person? Noone was able to give me a firm answer but most only gave me a smile. So I guess thats a good thing. Hehehe... Okok. i shall stop here. School startin next week for me and I am looking forward to see the old peeps on friday. Hope everyone can make it (except one). Byebye!!

posted at 10:29 AM