Thursday, March 25, 2010
I'm sorry... I'm really really sorry... I hope that things will not be bad after what I typed ad said... oh please oh please... I'm really sorry...
I'm a little angry and upset right now... and yes, I'm tearing too... it's a good thing my sis is already asleep. I'm not angry bout that matter anymore. It's bout something else... It's just sad that I can't say somethin out. It's just that I don't want somethings to go bad or hurt some people. That's alright... I'm... used to this kind of pain...
And for the fucking perverts out there that can't seem to help but look at females with revealin clothing, please, keep your comments and thoughts to yourself please.
I hate it when guys can only appreciate or like a girl when she's revealin herself a little and ignore or give bad comments when she's covered, wearin normal or formal or not to most guys lustful desires...
I got two words for ya all, FUCK YOU. -_- -'-
posted at 12:11 AM
Monday, March 22, 2010

posted at 7:44 PM
-_- -'- fuck... being a nice guy doesn't really pay much huh... We, nice people, are hardly ever been appreciated verbally or physically as compared to those idiots. Them makes others angry, pissed off or tear and others will cry, plead or do anythin to have them back just because they are their friend whereas people like us, are hardly any much of a trouble and so I feel neglected when I see or here this crap.It's like we do good but we don't see others doing such as wantin us around much as compared to those who hurt others more and having others calling them back and apologisin to the aggressor... WTF... -_- -'- ths world has gone blind... or should I say, the people in it... Haha, worry not, you won't understand this side of me Zanzan. Not even Kai does understand it fully. I just feel that, bad is better than good. Bad people is more important than good people...Ah... let's not bother bout this... let me drown myself in MUCC's music and pokemon...
posted at 1:21 AM
Saturday, March 13, 2010
God, please protect my dearest while she is sleeping tonight. Please keep her safe, both in mind and body. And please God, please protect and strenghten our love. See us through this dark times and guide us out of this darkness. Amin.
posted at 12:09 AM
Friday, March 12, 2010
Hehehe! Wonderin why I'm still awake at this point of time? Worry not. I just can't sleep. Thats all. Been thinkin bout Dear uh. I'm worried for her piano exams later on in the afternoon. I hope and pray that she'll excel in her examination later on uh.God, please hear my prayers. Calm and ease her mind to allow her to be more focus for the exams and please, let her ace this piano examination.Alright then. I think I'll stop here uh. I don't wanna keep you awake for too long. Oyasumi nasai~
posted at 3:25 AM
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Befor I end the night, I would like to apologise for what I said early and I'm truely grateful and happy to have known her and to have someone like her with me and to have her as my special person. Truely, I am. You are like a single rose that blooms with every rainbow that forms in the clear blue sky.Thank you dear~ Hehe~! It's been so long since I last hear it but it heals and soothes me upon hearin those words of heart. *Sugar rush*Alrightou! I shall stop here then. Thank you for your time to listen to me Zanzan. Really appreciated it. Really lookin forward to seein you soon~ I shall pray for your well-being for the time being. Oyasumi nasai~!
posted at 11:31 PM
Haish.... I miss her so much.. I love her so much too and I really want to see her again but i seems the time for me to meet her isn't there yt though she's been home quite a number of times already but that's alright... Maybe I'm thinkin too much but it seems.. like... she doesn't miss me but I guess that's alright too. I mean, hey, who miss a guy like me right? I know I shouldn't say somethin like this so much but.. i really want to see her again...
You are the only person that I can say somethin like this (Zanzan) because... you are the only one that won't be affected by in positively or negatively. The rest, can't. Don't want to bother them plus it's not nice for me to say this to her too... oh well... Oh ya, and my tummy still hurts from the punchin blows that I receive yesterday.... owww....
posted at 5:20 PM
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I'm feeling so scared... worried... and insecure... and my chest, stomach and right hand hurts a little but that will recover soon.That's all for now. I lazy to talk....
posted at 11:20 PM