Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I've been reflecting on some men's behaviour. I've observe the guys in my school, my life and online comments from men. One thing always comes into my mind, why must men treat and see women like some toys that they can play and compare and even share with?!! I understand that men and women alike, have their own needs and desires but, men just seem to not care about what the women feels deep inside their heart. Porn really destroys a typical man's mind easily and that is what is happening to men around the world... I'm not saying all but it just seem that many of us are...sadly...

Worst still, is when they start comparing and treat female bodies as some sort of sex station. Doesn't satisfy them, ask for enlargement or demoralise them with nasty comments... and when they do have the right size or figure, give compliments like they'll have it everyday... Women don't want this experinces!! They want love and affections! Not lust for them tonight and off from bed in the morning and behave like strangers. I know men have feelings but for once, appreciate whom you are being with. Even a kiss is a grand gift from your partner....

I can't emphasise enough on this point... If men keep this up, more and more women will be depressed with themselves and overly obsessed with the wrong matter in life....

posted at 11:24 PM

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I just failed again... miserably... I've made her upset once again... I broke her heart by stabbing her with my tone, the way I spoke to her just a couple of minutes ago... I broke my own wife's heart.... What kind of a man am I?! Incapable of even healing her wounds that I HAD CAUSED and making her feel like putting down the phone at any moment... please don't view her as a bad person... the evil one and bastard of all is this jerk... me... I had tainted my Goddess heart with my evil prayers... the thought of her still being angry with me by the next morning is already killing me!!

I still do want to hear her cheerful voice and smiles... I didn't mean to take away her highness joy and loving side and replacing them with sorrow and anguish.... I'm a failed husband.... I'm a failure.... I"M REALLY SORRY BABY!!! I know it will be hard for you to forgive my wrong doings and I know you have turned sour towards me.... A thousand apology, a million warm hugs and a million words of comfort can't guarantee that I will be able to heal her and fix her shattered heart.

Hundreds hours of romance, joy, tears and laughter that we had created and remembered were shattered and lost due to my own selfish behaviour... I am such a fucker... I've failed my princess and also everyone... I just don't know how to face her once again.... I'm really sorry baby... I promise it won't happen again. I don't want to lose you ever uh!!! I may be stupid, slow and ignorant but I want to learn to be better!! I want to be with you and cherishing you everyday!! I hope it's still possible for me. I didn't mean to hurt you.....

posted at 12:16 AM

Monday, May 16, 2011

The week has been alright for me. I managed to do maths without much help while at home and that is a BIG improvement for me. XD Engineering maths isn't easy to begin with. Well, that is for me that is. Plus, I'll be having some personal coaching from my wife for algebra which I had forgotten ages back. XD I know my wife is very strict in teaching so I hope I can absorb as much and not make her angry with my slowness.

I love her so much and appreciates all that she had done for me and the time spent~ I've grown really attached to her and I must admit, I find it difficult to let go... I pray that I will be able to make her happy further and be with her for a every long time as her real husband, perhaps~

posted at 12:59 AM

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ahhhhh~~~ Hehe~ I feel so happy after today's event and smses that I had received from my wifey~~ We had a little conversation about our future and there's hope for me if I want to make her my wife and my answer to that is a definite YES!!!!! You can never find a girl and a lady like herself? Well, I do agree that many of us have different opinion of their own on who they want to be with but she is someone that is complete. Not only is she independent on doing and completing tasks but she is also intelligent and always thinking. Se even keep me right on track when I went astray and her words never fails to make me realise just how fortunate I am plus she is very patient with me (eventhough she doesn't like to admit that . ><)

If being and intelligent, focused and smart not really what some men would be into, her looks is really astounding. She never fails to leave me surprised and wanting to look at her more and more in different angles and aspects too~~~ ^^ Her eyes. Eventhough she had said it many times over that they are small and insignificant but to me, she may not realise it but it's those pair of eyes that I laid my attention to and it's those same pair of eyes that looks at me with so much joy every time I make her happy~ The way they radiate that awesome glow and how they reflect the light and shines. I love that a lot and how they are shaped too. Those eyelashes and eyebrows of her's~ WWWWOOOOOO!!!! I love it so much!! Especially the way she look at me with so much attention and passion in them~~~ <3

Her lips~ I just love how she plays with them as we kiss. How she curls them up and biting them gently and how soft they feel and look like~ The natural pink to red and glossy colour of her lips that tend to make other females envious without them realising it themselves. How her nose and ears sits perfectly in it's place and how I love teasing them from time to time and she her reactions from it~~ They're adorable but I know she hates that word a lot so I tend not to mention it to her but I can't deny that fact, of course~ OOOOOO~~~!!!! I love her hair and every styles that she has to display them and how they flow~ From straight and love, buns, ponytail and to the current hot and gorgeous, curly and wavy flowing hair~ It's like I'm browsing a famous hot female model magazines with many awesome clothes displayed but even better, it is only one hot,, gorgeous, beautiful and glamourous girl, my wifey~~~ I can literally just look at her all day and feel contented with it. ^^

I think I'll stop her for the time being~ I love you so much baby~~~ Sleep well and oyasumi~~~!! <3

posted at 11:54 PM

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

For the past two days, including today, I'm having a great loving time with my wife~ It's been sooooooooo long~~~~ since we last spent our time together with so much feelings inside~ She even said that she isn't used to not getting angry at me for a day but~, this is great news for her and~~ we can continue spending a delightful day together with being stress free from me uh~!

I love being mushy and lovey-dovey with her whenever we have the chance. It feels too good when I get to have her to rest on my shoulder and chest and cuddling while we rest on the sofa. If this is what they call quality time, I call this my heaven!! XD I can still feel her hugging me and sinking her sweet and beautiful face into my neck and hiding from the light~ Believe me, it feels good because I've tried that and I like it but I'm sure my wifey loves it more. I love being near her and smell her hair and down her neck~ ><

I better get some rest or else I'll be sleepy for tomorrow's class. I hope to dream of her and her tender care~~~ I can never get enough of her love~~~ <3 I pray that tomorrow will be a much better day for the both of us~

Thank you for the wonderful day baby~~!!! And thank you for the wonderful activities we had for the past two days~ I'll do my best to make your day right uh baby~

posted at 11:47 PM

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

God... I am such a bastard and a jerk... I've made many promises to my wife and yet, I keep breaking them without me realising them and I ended up making empty promises... I deserve to be called an S.O.B but the B part is not meant for my mum... Her tears, every time I hear and see them streaming down her cheeks, I keep blaming myself and yet I could offer little help to comfort her... what does this fucker do? Keep quiet with throat choked with guilt...

I am well aware that apologies meant a little with often mistakes that I've made and they keep adding on in her heart...please don't blame her for feeling that way. She is just an innocent Princess with a golden heart and feelings. We men can take such things easy but we must not forget that there are others that aren't like us or like me as a matter of speaking...

Don't tell me to stop condemning myself... I can't. The tears that she shed leads to a result of me taking away one of her most beloved gifts and that is her smile, joy and laughter... I couldn't even do the most basic of loving her or respecting her requests... I can't even hold her properly and securely and make her feel loved by me... I'm beyond pathetic... My selfish attitude of taking things easy and procrastinating has led me into hurting my beloved angel. The special Goddess that God has sent to me, to love me proper and nourish me with her guidance, love and teachings and removing away the evil that my past had done onto me...

But what did I do or treated my loving angel that is always by my side? I neglected her and took her for granted.... I neglected my duties as her husband and I slowed down in showing my affections to her. My wife, not just some body or anybody but someone I love truly so much... How could I... I'm such a fucker...Even God is refusing to hear my prayers of making me into a better person and improving our relationship...

I want to hurt her no more. I fear my Goddess would refuse me and forbid me from embracing her... I'm afraid it might be too late or my efforts to be futile... God, I love her so so much... please, I beg you, let me succeed in winning my Goddess heart and love again. Let me be a proper husband and appreciating every little things that she do for me and learn from her as she shapes me to be a better adult. Baby...will you allow me to love you once again and to do my very best to make things right and ease you? I want to wash myself clean from my past disgust, gross and sinful deeds and appear to you as an upright and a proper man for you to love. I want to love and be with you like how I once was. I miss being myself... I want to return back to all those wonderful times and having you to love me again without worries. I'll do my best to improve myself and to keep you close.

I'll be a jerk no more and be your best devotee you have ever loved and embrace. I promise you baby. I won't stop loving you and cherishing you till the day I stop breathing and my eyes close. I want to spend my remaining time with you, making sweet memories together. Kissing, cuddling and teasing one another till the day turns to dusk... I love you so much baby. I'll make you trust me fully again. I promise.


posted at 12:00 AM