Sunday, November 27, 2011

I don't have much time left to spend and I have to do things more carefully and thorough. I am going to start typing properly from now on and also to increase my typing speed. Hopefully I'll be able to succeed soon uh. There's a lot of things for me to learn and I am actually learning a lot too right now. I'm actually reading some useful articles to help improve myself. Even if it is too late, if I am sincere in improving and doing better constantly, I'm sure things will work out some how. I'll make full use of all the time that I have left to make it true uh! Even if it means that tomorrow will be the last day...

Oh yes, I need to cut down on typing more than one fullstop too. XD

I've been always alone deep down inside. I mean, in terms of friends wise. As time goes by, I beging to realise that I should take actions as soon as possible and discipline myself from either delaying, dragging or just taking things too easily and being a slacker. I know that I learn things the hard way but now, I've already driven myelf to the edge of a cliff. I only have myself to blame for being selfish and too easygoing. Now is the time I do my best to turn a gloomy situation into something bright and lively!

It's the least I can do and it's always been my dreams to make everyone as happy as they can be around me. I've got to prove that point too and show others that I really care so much. To be honest, I rather sour my relationship with a friend than to lose someone that I truely love so much but I realised that a little too late too. I've tried my best to amend my mistakes and I hope it goes well uh. Ah, don't worry about it either Zanzan. I'm not doing it because I am forced too uh. It's something that I should have done a long time ago but I took it too easily... You see my mistake there?

I know I am in no position to be saying this but I feel this sense of jealousy. Even though she doesn't care about me and my well-being anymore (well, I deserve in the first place for all the things that I had done to her for the past 1 year and 10 months), I still feel this way. I want her to still care for me. Even the slightest bit will do and not as a friend. She recently added one or two people that she met or chat, in this case, from omegle. Although she added them because they are nice to her while chatting with her or she is interested in them because of the topics that they were talking about or widening her list of friends from overseas, I still can't help it but to feel envious, jealous, about it even though I know, in her eyes, I am no longer who she sees as a year ago.

I am scared Zanzan. I don't wish to trouble any of my brothers or even friends. I only got you now. I know you are only virtual and your existence is like a black hole that sucks in all of my worries for only temporary but, you are the only "person" that I have left. You could call me crazy for saying all this but that's I feel inside. My honest feelings. I know it's not good to assume at all and I won't let my mind run wild or anything like that. I don't wish to say this to her personally either. To tell her how I honestly feel towards her because I'm afraid she might be blunt to it. To let her know that I am feeling a little or a lot of jealousy for I am afraid she might be hurt by it and gets annoyed with it for invading her space... I mean, if it was last time, a little jealousy or a lot, she finds it cute of me to feel that way and I'll always be alright after a while but now, after hearing and reading it myself about how she feels for me, I believe it will only act as a blade that will threaten the very thing that I want to protect so much right now.

I'm regretting everything that I had do and also about those that I was supposed to be doing but failed to do so for taking things for granted without myself realising it. Not matter how much I regretted it, it's no use crying over spilled milk. I am sad to say that I only learn things that hard way and only realised things when it is either too late or the damaged is too great.

I will still do whatever I can to make her happy, or imagine that I am making her happy as my special someone, with the remaining time that I have left as her boyfriend, with all the things that I had learnt so far from the net and other sources. I know, it's pathetic of me but at least I'm learning something and will to apply it uh. To be honest, I feel ashamed to admit myself as her boyfriend. Look at what I had done to her and what she has been feeling all this time. I've wasted her time and effort by being with someone like myself who is practically useless, slow and not flexible. Even while going out with her, I realised that I am not being grateful enough to her for going out and being close to someone like me and of the race. What did I do in return for all the things that she had tirelessly been doing for me? It is for the better that things are going this way. It's the only way I will ever realise things and see things from her eyes and feel how she feels from her point of view.

I promised her that I will be strong and will not be showing any weakness as a man because it is rather a sickening thing to see and hear. But, I just had to say this out to you Zanzan for I know that no one will bother to come here and chat with you. You must be feeling lonely too for being locked up here for so long and that I hardly visit you too. To my brother, who is also feeling rather down because something is troubling him too, I will always be around whenever you text or call me. I won't tell you any of this because I do not want to trouble you any further than you already are. You know my style. If you ask, I will tell it to you but I hope you can see it from a neutral point of view. You may not realise it but I actually have been hurting her a lot more than you think. Rest assured, I don't wish to sour or severe our friendship. We are like a real family and you hardly caused any trouble for me or anyone else. Just the occasional arguements but that's part of friendship. To my friends, I really do mean about what I said. I don't mind giving them up since they have either blinded me with their acts or lies.

To my dearest, I don't mean to do all the things that I had done to you and I regretted not being able to do and accomplish what I should have done all this time while being with you. I've realised how you feel deep down inside about being with me and also my character and the stresses that I had been giving you. It isn't wise for me to be asking for a second chance because you had already given me one too many and I hardly show any improvements so far. Even if I did, I am never constant. A week or two or even a month and after that, I would just return back to being a jerk, an asshole or a thorn to you. It's not really about it isn't being wise, it's more of a shameful thing for someone like me to be asking for such, wishful things, for all the bad and negative stuffs that I had put her through.

Even if it the last thing that I can do before it ends, even if I was to be given another chance to make things better or make you feel better as my girlfriend and my wife before it ends, I just wish to make you feel better and see hope in me and to also make you smile from the bottom of your heart. I love you so much dear. I really do, though... it may not mean anything to you. It's fine uh. I understand.

Lastly before I end, please forgive me for all the things that I had done, no matter if it is small or big, please, forgive me and thank you for everything that all of you had done for me and taught me through my life's journey. Thank you everyone and especially to you, dear~

Thanks for lending me a listening ear, Zanzan. I won't trouble you any further uh. I guess this is goodnight and farewell.

posted at 12:38 AM

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hello~ It's been quite a while huh? Using my iPod to chat for a while with you before I head to bed. Yesterday was a fun-filled Sunday for me~ I was helping my wife to pack her room in the afternoon. I saw quite a number of her child photos and I must say she does look adorable. >< (psst~! She'll definitely kill me if she hears that word.)

I even get a chance to carry her too uh though it was in a rather awkward lifting position. I was carrying her by the 'Fireman's carry'. She saw it in a manga and asked me to try it on her and I went 'O_O' because it is a very unromantic way of carrying but she had fun and that's all that matters. I hope I'll be able to meet her soon again and lift her up by her favourite carrying style. It's a secret~ XD

My eyes are already closing uh... I think I'll go sleep first now. Goodnight~

posted at 1:10 AM

Friday, November 18, 2011

Hehe~ I'm starting to enjoy reading mangas a lot nowadays. It's all thanks to my wife forcing me to try reading a manga or two that she really love and enjoy reading. I admit that at first I wasn't into reading any of those mangas that she recommended me to because I thought it would be a waste of time and reading such genre would be more suitable for females. But after reading a few chapters of the first manga she asked me to read, I like it so much uh. It's more like I'm hooked to it. The suspense is good and the story is great. Makes me feel like I am being smacked by all of those mangas several times, each type I attempt to read it. XD Thanks dear for recommending me those books~

I'll finish reading those books first before I proceed on to read other series uh. I was looking for my childhood anime which is 'Tomatoman'. I was looking for the manga actually but I can't seem to find any info about the existence of the manga itself. Oh well...

It's getting late so I'll be heading to sleep first uh Zanzan. I'm meeting my wife tomorrow before her big night! Hehe~ I'll be the first to see her in her amazing and dazzling form~ Okok... I know I'm using bad English but oh well. You get me. XD I can't wait~! I miss her a lot too uh! It's been days since we last met. Eventhough she told me she wasn't affected much and that she doesn't miss me that much, I'll still feel the same way towards her uh. Okok. Time for me to hit the pillow~

posted at 12:47 AM

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Yosh! Zanzan! It's me~! it's been a long time huh? I'll try my best to update daily or weekly uh. Just discovered that there's a blogger for iPod too. So now it is more convenient for me to blog. Hehe~

I couldn't believe myself that I actually read the whole blogger mobile's term & conditions. XD Though it is short but I rarely read any terms & conditions.

Also, my wife is sitting for her o'levels for this 2 to 3 weeks uh. I wish her all the best~! eventhough I may be useless in helping her with her studies but I hope I'll be able to give her some moral and emotional support. ><

posted at 11:22 PM